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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

As I See It - Fluoride, GMO's, Vaccinations, Drugs...and a Healthy Life - Part I

Just read this passage from a book written in 1918, The Science of Power.  "It is the same kind of emotions which are being stirred, the same feelings of combativeness which are being aroused, the same kind of arguments which are being used. Every device, every ruse, every absurdity, even to grotesque distortions of the truth, are pressed into service to move or excite the feelings of combativeness."  It seems like this is what is happening with discussions of all of the following.  And it seems that when we talk about the extreme rise in autism rates, and other brain disorders and health issues, that we need to take into account the cumulative effects of all of the below substances.  It would seem that common sense would dictate that ingesting, being injected with, and being exposed to all these chemicals cannot be anything but deleterious to our health over the long run.  The book also talks about how the media (mostly newspapers at the time this was written) lie and mislead for monetary reasons.  Seems nothing has changed in this regard, except now it has spread to TV and radio.  Thankfully, the truth can be found if you dig around the internet.

FLUORIDE - Has been added to our drinking water in most cities and states.  Because everyone drinks different amounts of water, everyone's dose is different.  Imagine if they did that with with insulin injections for diabetes, if the doctor said, "Here's a bottle of insulin, inject whatever."  Fluoride is also labeled as a neurotxoin.  Keep in mind the list of neurotoxins being introduced into your body in the following list of things you are either ingesting or that are being injected into you or your children.  Here is a link to information on Fluoride.

GMO's and Glyphosate - No one knows what GMO's list of side effects may be although some studies have shown tumors to be one possibility.  The glyphosate they use on GMO crops is another neurotoxin.  And now, due to heavy spraying with Glyphosate, it is starting to be found in all foods.  For more information, go to this link.

(Please note:  besides the links in this article, you can go to Google and enter things like:  Fluoride neurotoxin, or glyphosate neurotoxin, etc. and find lots of other links to study.  The only caution is to make sure the link is not one written by the company who makes or supplies fluoride or glyphosate, or benefits from their use.)

VACCINATIONS - As I was writing this, the following came out:  Organic Consumers Association went anti-vaccination this morning - Here is the Link to the Article (Monday, May 26, 2015), along with this meme:

The link goes to an article by David Wolfe plus lists lots of references for you to check, should you wish.  After investigating immunizations, I had come to the same conclusions he did, and he added some other concerns, such as if you're a vegan.  Each day I find something new and disturbing about vaccines.  Here is a link to a series of videos you should watch about vaccines, strokes, and S.I.D.S. given by a Canadian doctor:  Videos.  And just several pages of short quotes related to this subject:  Short Quotes and Info.  And finally, an infographic (there was a quote from "All the President's Men" by Deep Throat - "Follow the Money, Always follow the Money):"

Click on the infographic to see a larger size.  And finally, besides other links I have posted previously, here is a link to Green Med Info publication of 317 pages of links for further study, should you be so inclined.  About vaccines and autism - don't know how many studies showed no link (and who did them or funded them), but there were at least 17 studies that showed a link - none of which are mentioned by the media.

They say if you are vaccinated for a particular disease, you won't get it.  So why are those who get vaccinated worried about those who aren't?  And if you still can get the disease after getting vaccinated, then why bother getting it when the possible side effects may be worse than the disease?  As an example, in the past 10 years, between zero to four children died from measles (depending on which source is correct), but 108 died from the vaccination and thousands more were injured, some with permanent brain damage.  Not to mention what has in some cases been listed as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome may have actually been a direct result of a vaccination.

Bottom line - I have nothing against someone getting vaccinated, or not.  I am against people having no say in the matter when they, or there children, may be seriously harmed or killed by getting vaccinated.  And I think everyone should have the correct information so they can make an informed choice.

Follow the Money, Always Follow the Money.

In the words of Paul Harvey - Gooood Day!

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