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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Your Life, Your Health (and Happy Memorial Day)

Many times, I know what I want to say, but where to start?  If you feel that your health is your number one most important thing in your life (or even in the top 3 things, along with love and success or similar things), then don't you owe it to yourself to spend some time each week researching how to stay healthy?  I subscribe to several health newsletters, and then double check some of the things they say.  They usually include references which I may go to for further information and clarification.

Now, there are some people who say why worry about your health, you're going to die anyway.  When I was a young teen, I felt that way, too - I ate what I wanted, drank way too many soft drinks, etc.  When I saw my grandmother suffer her last few years of life, I had no idea it had to do with her diet.  There was no internet back then to research these things.  But I started learning the hard way when, at 24, I had constant stomach aches (24/7) and found out I had an ulcer.  Growing up I caught every cold and flu that was going around - I thought that was normal, not a health problem.  But over the years, I learned the importance of diet related to health, and why eating anything I wanted was not a good idea.  The benefits have been pretty miraculous - no more colds and flu, no more allergies, no headaches, and on and on.  And guess what - all without immunizations.

So the question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to be healthy regardless of how long you live, or if you prefer to suffer before that time comes.  How do you stay healthy?  By doing what I do - staying informed and researching....and definitely by NOT believing the media.  And a healthy diet, exercise, and for me, supplements.  Plus a good nights sleep, hopefully low stress, and doing my best to avoid environmental toxins.

For example, according to the media, immunizations are completely safe.  Which is curious, as more people have died from the measles shot than from measles over the past 10 years in the U.S.  And thousands have had adverse reactions reported.  If they are safe, why do the companies that make them have no liability?  Why would anyone care if you or your child is immunized if their child was immunized?  If the shot is supposed to give them immunity, why would they worry about your child coming into contact with those who have been immunized?  How can they even think it's safe to inject you or your kids with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, and other toxins?

I could go on, but instead here are some links for you to read:
Mercola Article
Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

And on another note - hope you all have a safe, healthy, and happy Memorial Day.

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