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Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015 - Wise Words From 1938

Just finished reading a book, originally written in 1938 by Napoleon Hill.  The title:  Outwitting the Devil.  Here are a few words of wisdom from that book:

"Teach children what to eat, how much to eat, and what is the relationship between proper eating and sound health.

Teach the students how to budget and use time and above all, teach the truth that time is the greatest asset available to human beings, and the cheapest.

Teach children to be definite in all things, beginning with the choice of a definite major purpose in life!

Teach children the difference between temporary defeat and failure, and show them how to search for the seed of an equivalent advantage which comes with every defeat.

Teach children the true nature of the Golden Rule, and above all show them that through the operation of this principle, everything they do to and for another they do also to and for themselves.

Teach children that the space they occupy in the world is measured definitely by the quality and quantity of useful service they render to the world."

There are many more things mentioned in the book related to what should be taught to children, but these were my favorites.  It seems like he was ahead of his time with what he had to say about diet and overeating.  Here is a direct quote from the book, said better than I could have said it.

Hope you get the chance to read the book - it's well worth it.  Meanwhile, have a great weekend.

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