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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Covid-19 - Great Information That Just Might Help You

The healthier you are and the stronger your immune system, the better the chances of avoiding Covid-19.  If you do get Covid-19, then you need to give your immune system the support it needs and optimize it.  I have heard nothing in the media or from the CDC/government about how you should do that.  Below are links to some excellent information about Covid-19 and things you may want to try.  I've been supporting and optimizing my immune system for over 25 years with excellent results avoiding colds, flu, and many other health problems and believe you can do the same.  You can see what I take and do at this LINK.  The rest of the page is based on information I've collected over the past few weeks.  Unlike what you hear in the media, it's not about the economy vs deaths from Covid-19.  It is about deaths caused by the destruction of the economy, job losses, and the effects of social isolation.

May 5, 2020 - More Links - Here is one about Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC).  Here's one (a YouTube Video) from Dr. John Iannidis.  Here's another video from Swedish Expert Prof. Johann Giesecke.  It talks about why Sweden doesn't have lockdowns.  And another good and informative article by Dr. Mercola about Covid-19 and Insulin Resistance.

April 29, 2020 - Today I read about the supposed success of the drug Remsdirivir lowering the duration of Covid-19 by 31%.  In the article, they said there were a few other drugs they were testing.  So once again all they will talk about in the media are drugs and waiting for a vaccine.  There is never a mention of nutrition nor supplements to support/optimize your immune system.  Thankfully, I have been educated in that, have studied it for 40 years, and practice it on myself, and it has worked for me.  The results of that education are at the link in the first paragraph.  Guess what - keeping your immune system healthy costs almost nothing and has no side effects.  Even better - you don't have to wait, a good healthy diet and supplements are available now.

April 28, 2020 - Click this link to learn about the dangers of wearing a mask.  Then whatever you decide of think is right, at least you can make an informed decision and not attack someone who isn't wearing one in public.

April 25, 2020 - I had heard this from Judy Mikovits (immunologist) and just got backed up from two doctors who have been treating Covid-19 patients and have also studied immunology for 20 years each - wearing a face mask can make you more susceptible to infections.  Staying at home will weaken your immune system.  As will a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, obesity, etc.  The CDC, etc., won't share that information with you.  So these are the things that you need to know to stay healthy, which they continue to hide from you, or even worse, continue to censor and debunk.  From the time I started studying and researching vaccines 5 years ago, and now Covid-19, all I find from the media and CDC/government are lies and misinformation.  But with Covid-19, it's worse - they are destroying lives and the economy and the results of that may be much worse than the damage from the virus itself.  As always, you should (you really need to) watch The Highwire with Del Bigtree.  I'm sure most of you have heard the phrase, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  This may have never been more true than now, literally.  From what I heard this week, we've already passed the tipping point with the lockdowns - they will now cause more death than the virus, perhaps many orders of magnitude higher, and the longer the lockdowns go on, the worse it will get.

April 18, 2020 - I was thinking about the information in my update from April 17 along with everything else that has been going on with the government response to Covid-19 and thinking about what I would write today.  And, lo and behold, in my email this morning was the latest newsletter from Dr. Mercola in which he interviewed Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D. from MIT discussing exactly this subject the same way that I was thinking about it.  Here is the link along with the video or downloadable transcript of the interview.  One of the things he talked about explains why I am putting the links here and not on Facebook - FB Censorship.  Anyway, the bottom line is that if you really want to know what is going on with the response to Covid-19, which may be no worse than the flu when everything is taken into account, you need to watch the interview.  And. as with vaccines, you need to use some logic, common sense, and do the research - I hope the links on this page help you get started.

April 17, 2020 - It seems like new information coming out every day.  Today it was announced that Santa Clara County, CA has been getting tested for antibodies and they found that there were 50-85 times more cases than the daily reports have been showing, which means that the death rate from Covid-19 is 1/50 - 1/85 of what has been getting reported.  Here is the link to that story.  That, coupled with the CDC reporting guidelines - that anything suspected or thought to be Covid-19 (even if it isn't) is to be listed as a death due to Covid-19 and it may turn out to be not even as bad as the flu.  After what they have been doing with the lockdowns, etc., I doubt they will ever admit this is the case.  Is it just me or has anyone else noticed there is no more flu, pneumonia, cancer, or other disease deaths reported?  Everyone who dies seems to have died from Covid-19.

NEW link added April 16 - Flu Misinformation and Coronavirus Fears - A letter from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to Sanjay Gupta with excellent information about the flu vaccine in relation to Covid-19.  A MUST read if you are thinking of getting a flu shot.

Added April 15, 2020 - Expert virologist Judy Mikovits on Covid-19 (and vaccines).  About a 2 hour video.

Added on April 14, 2020 - People keep saying it's Covid-19 deaths vs the economy. It's not that simple. From a study done years ago, they found that each 1% rise in unemployment was responsible for 36,000 deaths over the next five years (from suicides, depression, heart disease, stroke, drug use, etc.). They then adjusted that for the growth in population since then, and it is now projected to kill 58,000. Add to that the effects from social isolation and the numbers could end up, at some point in the near future, being much worse than from the virus. It's way more complex than economy vs virus. If you are doubting this, read this article from Scientific American blog:  The True Cost

NEW on 4/9/2020 - Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol - Watch the video at the top of his page.  Two nice things - nothing to lose if it doesn't work and everything to gain if it does.  And it's inexpensive.  Use food-grade H2O2 as the drug store brands have impurities in them.  Just follow the directions in the link.  It almost sounds too simple!  SECOND UPDATE to this blog - an episode of The Highwire that you have got to watch - it could save your life or that of someone you know relating to Covid-19.  Plus the interview with Knut Wittkowski is amazing.  And another supplement that may be helpful:  Glycyrrhiza
APRIL 11, 2020 - Interview with a state senator who is also an M.D. about Covid-19 reported deaths - a short video is included.

NOTE:  I read an article on March 14 about Covid-19 and some other viruses and suggestions about what may help you survive them - melatonin (new to me for this purpose but worth a try as it has other benefits), ascorbic acid (vitamin c), and nitric oxide (which your body can make).  Here's the link to the article.  You can read the whole article or go down about 40% of the page to the Melatonin subheading.  Again, no downside to trying these things.  I already take vitamin c and will be adding the melatonin (200-500mcg/day = 0.2 - 0.5mg/day).  And here's the latest article about Vitamin C as it relates to Covid-19 (3/18/2020).  UPDATE 3/22/2020:  Just read this article about Quercetin vs coronavirus.  I've been taking it for a while as a supplement and it's in the food I eat.  Here's more information from a medical doctor which is very similar to my information:  Dr. Peter Diamandis, MD.  UPDATE (3/29/2020) - Coronavirus Strategies.  Also, now that I've been taking the melatonin for several days, I can say I seem to be sleeping a little better and dreaming more.  Another new related article:  Nobel prize winner has good news on coronavirus…  4/1/2020 - I know it's April Fool's Day but this really happened - a doctor on the news talking about the possible benefits of Vitamin D related to Covid-19.  On 4/2 the same news station asked another doctor about Vitamin D - he had no comment - that's the usual response.

April 1, 2020 - NOTE:  I started this post on March 9, 2020.  As of today I am Covid-19 free (unless I had it back in January when I had that two-day scratchy throat).  If I'm sick at all, it's that I'm sick of hearing all the coronavirus news and the cries for help and cooperation with no mention of how to support your immune system.  Maybe if they told people how to do that there would be no pandemic.  Perhaps the hospitals wouldn't be overflowing and people wouldn't be scared for their lives.  Especially when it is still spreading exponentially with all the suggestions they've been giving.

April 3, 2020 - Below is a chart from the CDC listing the leading causes of death in the U.S.  They have left out one category - deaths caused from medical interventions, which are listed in the second chart below (or you can go to this link to see a more comprehensive explanation).

These two charts are each for a one year period during normal times.  I wonder if these totals will go up, down, or remain about the same for this year.

There are a couple of reasons I have included these during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The total CDC listed deaths from diseases are 1,864,422 in a year.  Add to that the deaths by medicine (excluding surgery and unnecessary procedures) of 714,800 and we have a total of 2,579,222 deaths per year or 7,066 every day in the U.S. from diseases.  As of today, there have been a total of _________ (fill in the blank) deaths from Covid-19 - not per day, but since the start.  And yet the media doesn't mention a word about all the leading causes of death every hour of every day as they are doing for Covid-19.  I'm not saying it shouldn't be covered, only that they shouldn't be scaring the hell out of everyone with what sounds like the end of the world.  You are a lot more likely to die from all the other possible causes above (and perhaps a lot of Covid-19 deaths are those other causes).  The other reason I list the above is from what I learned listening to The Highwire the past two weeks - that if anyone dies and they detect Covid-19 in their system, the cause of death is listed as Covid-19 regardless of whether that was the actual cause of death.  In other words, many Covid-19 deaths are from other causes that would have happened regardless of Covid-19.  I verified this in the CDC guidelines.  You will also learn if you watch The Highwire that the vast majority of deaths are happening in those with from 1-3 underlying health conditions - which you can see from the charts above.  I would bet that even if they don't have a known underlying health condition that those who are dying have a poor diet or vitamin/mineral deficiency of some kind.  Go back to April 14 above to get an idea of how many more will die over the next 5 years from the shutdown (hint:  over 500,000 based on unemployment of 15%, which could be higher and doesn't include the effect of social isolation, so who knows, maybe it'll end up being over a million).