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Monday, March 9, 2020

Increasing the Odds in Your Favor - the Road to Health (Updated 4/9/2020)

This is what I have done (and continue to do) to go from being sick all the time to being well all the time.  It may seem like a lot (it isn't really when you consider the benefits) but has worked exceedingly well for me (and others who have done it) for a very long time.  It includes diet, exercise, supplements, sleep, avoiding stress, lifestyle, etc.  How do you learn these things?  You do it by reading, research, and education and then applying what you've learned.  There will be some trial and error to fine-tune things until you find what works best for you.

There are no guarantees in life but doing what I have done has worked well for me for the past 25 years for avoiding colds, flu, Covid-19 so far, and many other health problems, so I hope it will do the same for this virus and for you.  Perhaps the best part is that there is no downside (unless you feel going to the doctor less often is a downside).

NOTE:  For Covid-19 information, please click this LINK.  I had included it on this page but there was too much new information so I felt it need a page of its own.

A lot of internet sites are censoring information related to natural therapies similar to what I'm talking about.  They are even calling it fake news and/or misinformation!  They (drug companies, CDC, the media, and all those who profit from drugs) must not want you to know about natural products that augment your immune system, which in turn may help you survive and stay healthy but from which they make no profit.  You would think that with a pandemic they would share anything that might help you.  You would be wrong.  Anything that doesn't make money for them they call misinformation, fake, worthless, or dangerous - pick your word.  All these things that "don't work" have done wonders for me.  It's like what I'm sure some people told the Wright Brothers - it's heavier than air, it can't possibly the brothers flew away.

This road is in Santa Monica, CA and is lined with fig trees

This one is a back road on the way to Solvang, CA

These bottom two roads were in the hills above Malibu

The top two photos should be where your road to health leads you.  The bottom two might be where you are now.  If it is, now is the time to go to health, and fast.

HERE'S MY STORY, MY ROAD TO HEALTH and HOW I NOW STAY HEALTHY.  Until about the age of 30, if a cold, flu or other upper respiratory infection was going around, I caught it - at least four times a year.  I had had an ulcer, was diagnosed with IBS (aka "nervous stomach") at age 30, had headaches, allergies, bronchitis, dandruff, etc.  When I asked the doctors who diagnosed me with nervous stomach what I could do, they said to stay out of stressful situations.  That was all they suggested.  I knew someone from a beach in Santa Barbara who looked like Mr. Health.  I asked him how he stayed so healthy.  He told me to get the book "Health Secrets of the Hunza" and follow their diet (an all-natural organic whole food diet).  I did, and over a period of 6 months, the nervous stomach faded away (and has never come back) and I reduced my colds/flues to only once a year.  Then over a period of years, I kept fine-tuning things.  And eliminated more variables.  The first change was adding vitamin C.  Then taking it several times a day.  Next, I added more immune-supporting supplements.  As a result, I've had one scratchy throat that lasted a couple of days in the past 12+ years, and no flu for at least the past 15 years.

Natural things don't always work as fast as drugs.  But they have no side effects, either - no one has died from vitamins or healthy organic food (unless it was contaminated) in the past several years.  If anyone had died, it would have been from massive overdoses.  Even drinking too much water can kill you.

There is no way to know if what I have been doing will give you the same results but I have no doubt it will at least improve your health.  It is also meant to support your immune system.  NOTE (VERY IMPORTANT):  If you are on any medications then you need to check with your health care provider to make sure that if you want to try some or all of the supplements I mention below that they will not interfere with any medications you might be taking.

As well as what to take, there are things to avoid:  sugar, fructose (aka HFCS), all chemicals (which is why you should eat only whole organic foods), artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, trans-fats, cut way back on Omega-6 oils, etc.  Once you eliminate these things, everything else starts tasting better - at least it has for me.

What foods do I eat - almost all organic whole foods and no processed foods.  For breakfast, I make a smoothie (I use a VitaMix to totally disintegrate the seeds I put in it) and take most of my supplements.  My smoothie consists of the following:  blueberries, grass-fed whey protein, superfood mix (I make my own - see below), mushroom blend, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, apple, banana, strawberries, organic raw egg, and fish oil.

My superfood mix is all organic and has acai, noni, goji, wheatgrass, spirulina, chlorella, maca, camu camu, lucuma, moringa, cacao, turmeric, and ashwagandha.  I add this seven days on and then take one day off - herbs should be cycled, never taken every day.  NOTE:  You can buy superfood mixes in most health food stores and online.  It's much less expensive to make/mix yourself.

My supplements consist of N-A-C, R-Lipoic Acid, and probiotics on an empty stomach in the morning, then with my smoothie, a good multivitamin, Vitamin C with quercetin (may help zinc get into cells more efficiently), coenzyme Q 10, MSM, vitamin E, Vitamin K2 MK7 with K1, Vitamin D3 5,000 i.u., ginger, and astaxanthin (Link).  Also calcium and magnesium in the evening.  And other supplements as needed (oil of oregano, Cyclone Cider, etc.).

I've just added some extra zinc, vitamin A, and resveratrol due to the pandemic.  Along with liposomal vitamin C if needed.  I'm hoping the above works as well for coronavirus as it has for colds, URI's, and flu.  So far, it has.

NOTE:  The above is for general health and immune support.  This is in addition to handwashing.  The news and medical establishment won't cover this - if they don't make money from it, you won't hear about it.

A little about my background as related to health:  First was the talk with my friend on the beach.  Then in 1988 I started working in vitamin/health food stores, talked with lots of people about what they were taking, and in 1991 opened my own vitamin store with a couple of partners.  In order to learn more about supplements and nutrition, I got my master's degree in holistic nutrition plus took all the courses for a PhD, but the school closed (the recession) before I was able to write my doctoral thesis.  I learned everything I set out to learn - the rest has been from feedback from customers (I estimated that over the 20 years in retail vitamin sales I talked with well over 30,000 people) on what worked for them and what didn't.  All the while I studied more and tried many different supplements until I found the perfect combination for me, as listed above.  With the internet, I continually learn new health ideas.

In my opinion, based on research from doctors, immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists, microbiologists, anecdotal evidence, etc., as well as my own experiences, supporting your immune system is the single most important thing you can do for your health.  And to lessen the effects of all viruses and bacterial infections should you get one.  

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