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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Safe and Effective and Other Lies

The BIG question is why would you believe someone who consistently lies to you?  I mean, if you've caught someone telling a few lies, why would you start suddenly thinking they are telling the truth and that they have your best interests in their heart?  I'm sure by now most people have heard "Safe and Effective" when the CDC (is that the Center for Disease Creation?), drug companies, media, and government are talking about vaccines.  So let's see what the truth is.

Did you know the CDC has patents on 23 vaccines - no wonder they say "safe and effective."

Are vaccines safe?  Well, over $4.2 Billion (Billion with a B) have been paid out for vaccine injuries and deaths by VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) which most people don't know exists.  And of those who do know, and apply, only about 1 out of 3 people are able to collect.  Most people are also not aware that an injury caused by a vaccine was actually due to a vaccine, especially when several days may pass between the injury and the vaccine.  Many doctors have told them the cause of death was unknown or SIDS.  And if their child became autistic after vaccination, they are told vaccines don't cause autism and are turned down.  The government's leading expert witness on vaccines and autism (Dr. Zimmerman) told the government that in a certain subset of children, vaccines can cause autism - Dr. Andrew Zimmerman was fired shortly after.  And then there is Stanley Plotkin, the leading authority of vaccination.  He wrote the medical textbook on vaccinations.  Under oath, he said he didn't know if vaccines might cause autism, that there were no conclusive studies one way or the other, so they would assume they don't cause autism, otherwise, people might not get vaccinated.  In other words, it was for the greater good to say they don't.  And then there is VAERS where you will find hundreds of thousands of adverse events after vaccination and where less than 1% of injuries ever gets reported according to the Harvard Pilgrim Study.  They estimated that 1 out of 40 are injured.  Does the above sound like vaccines are safe?  The above is all verifiable, you just have to do the research.  So they are lying about that - vaccines are anything but safe.  You would be safer standing in an open field during a lightning storm.

How about effective?  If you do the research you'll find that 38% of the Disneyland measles cases happened in those who had been vaccinated for measles.  In Texas, they just closed a school due to an outbreak of Pertussis (whooping cough).  Their vaccination rate was 100%.  Every year they claim the flu vaccine is somewhere between 17% - 50% effective.  In Canada one year they claimed zero percent effective.  Mumps outbreaks have happened on college campuses that require 100% vaccination rates.  Guess what, they've lied to you about this, too.  Some studies have shown that even if the flu vaccine works for you, it makes you more susceptible (about 4X more) to other upper respiratory infections which may be worse than the flu...such as CORONAVIRUS.

Every day, in states across the country, they are lying in order to pass legislation to force vaccinations on all your children knowing a certain percentage of these children will be killed or injured by the vaccination which may not even protect your child.  And they want to do the same for adults.

Still wondering about vaccinations?  As the number of vaccines has increased, check the numbers for autism (from 1 in 10,000 to now 1 in 40) and the numbers for chronic health conditions (from around 15% of children to now around 54%).  This is in a country that spends more on healthcare (sickcare, really) than any other nation by far.  And in developed nations has the highest rates of infant mortality, worst health, and one of the shortest lifespans (which started going down a few years ago).

Are we no smarter than lemmings following each other off the vaccination cliff?  We have, with the internet, access to vast amounts of information, and yet most people listen to the lies of the media, the CDC, big pharma, etc., all while the truth is easily available.  What happened to common sense?  Can you not see that adults after the age of 28, when most or all vaccines have worn off, are not suddenly dying from all those terrible diseases.  From the way they talk, everyone should know someone who knows someone who has died from measles, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough, etc.  Where are they hiding all those bodies (more people get killed by lightning!).  But you probably know someone who knows someone who has autism, one or several chronic health conditions, ADHD, allergies, diabetes, childhood cancer and on and on.  They call this normal - it's not.  As vaccines have increased, all those health problems have followed.  There may be other contributing factors but it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that injecting mercury, aluminum, monkey kidney cells, contaminants, etc., might just have a negative impact on you.  We have a brain - we should be using it before it is destroyed by these vaccines.  After all, we are not lemmings...yet.

Some catchwords/phrases/vocabulary pro-vax people use:
1.  Debunked - anytime they don't want you to believe cause and effect, as in vaccines cause or contribute to autism.  Sorry, been debunked.  Sorry, but it hasn't been debunked.
2.  Safe and Effective - see the beginning of this article.
3.  Coincidence - another favorite.  Whatever health problems you suffer after vaccination is just a coincidence, it was about to happen anyway.
4.  SIDS, SUIDS, or Cause Unknown - Used after the vaccination ends your life.
5.  Discredited - First they'll discredit those who tell the truth, then they will say they've been discredited - like they did to Dr. Andy Wakefield.
6.  Show us the proof/study - even when it's easy to find.  Probably just to waste your time.
7.  Anti-vaxx - even though very few people are actually anti-vaxx.  They are pro-choice, pro-freedom, pro-informed consent, pro-safe vaccine, pro-Nuremberg Code, etc.  Pro-vaxx people want everyone vaccinated, so it makes sense that if someone was anti-vaxx they would want no one vaccinated - I don't know anyone who cares if you get vaccinated.

There is so much more information than I can list here - so to be continued for my next post.

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