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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Evening Lies

Oops - did I misspell "News" in the title?  Well, if it's in the news and it's about Covid, you can bet your last dollar it's a lie and most likely the opposite is true and the numbers are wrong.

It's funny how up until last year all the science was wrong about masks not working to stop viruses and there was no such thing as asymptomatic transmission.  You don't even need studies to tell you that, although there are plenty of those.  All you need is some common sense, some statistics, critical thinking, and observation.

I was just reading in the news today that if someone dies after getting vaccinated that doesn't mean the vaccine killed them.  Then I'll read that someone had asymptomatic Covid and died after that, and it was definitely Covid that killed that person.  Funny how that works for Covid but not for the shot.  Correlation does not equal causation for the shot but does for Covid?  If no one died from the shot, then using the same logic, no one died from Covid.  Either that or the shot is killing people at about the same rate as Covid.  So which is it?

About the masks - If you checked the statistics you will see where masks were mandated and were close to 100% usage preceded the biggest surge in cases of Covid.

Those graphs are easily verifiable.  Observation, statistics, common sense, critical thinking.

But wait, it gets worse.  Masks, after hours of use, get soggy with snot, caked with crud - perfect breeding grounds for bacteria, which you then inhale...into your lungs.  Along with low oxygen and high CO2 - the wrong mix for health.  Exhaling is one of the routes of detoxifying your system.  But now you are inhaling those toxins back into your system.  Your blood oxygen levels are dropping.  Bottom line:  you are opening yourself to all kinds of health problems.  Here, again, is a study updated April 15, 2021 showing some of those problems:  Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?  Just in case you think I've been exaggerating.  There are 178 references in the study.  How can Fauci and the CDC not be aware of this and similar studies?  And of the statistics in the graphs above?  And here are two other graphs:

VAERS - How many of you are familiar with it?  Or even heard of it?  It stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.  Tucker Carlson talked about it on his May 5 evening show.  There was a government study from 12/1/2007 - 9/30/2010 to determine how many adverse events actually get reported to it.  Here are the results of that study:  Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) - On page 6 it reports that fewer than 1% get reported.  This study had 715,000 patients.  For the current vaccines, over 4000 deaths have been reported to VAERS.  If nothing has changed since this study was done, that would translate to 400,000 deaths.  When you subtract all those who died with Covid rather than from Covid, probably less than 100,000 (maybe less than 50,000) you can start to see something is terribly wrong (a massive understatement!).