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Saturday, March 14, 2020

The End of the World? Or The Year the World Stood Still?

If you quarantine yourself and stay at home (which you should if you have health problems), why would you care if I do.  After all, I'm not going break down your door and expose you.  There is the same kind of reasoning about vaccines.  If they are safe and effective as they claim, then all you would need to do is vaccinate yourself and you are then safe from anyone who doesn't, right?  So why would you care what anyone else does about a vaccine?  Again, you are safe and immune.  If it is not safe and effective, why would you bother getting it?  Why would anyone want any medical procedure to be made mandatory, including vaccines?   Would it be the end of the world  for you if others don't do these things?  Not if they work as they claim they do.

To many it may feel that way.  Thanks to the media's 24/7 coverage of Covid-19 many are living in fear.  And thanks to the government's response, that fear is becoming a reality.   I have seen totally sane people getting upset that the stay at home orders are getting close to being discontinued.  They should be a lot more afraid of what will happen if they continue.   People keep saying it's Covid-19 deaths vs the economy.  It's not.  That is what they want you to think.  From a study done years ago, they found each 1% rise in unemployment was responsible for 36,000 deaths over the next five years (from suicides, depression, heart disease, stroke, drug use, etc.). They then adjusted that for the growth in population since that study, and it is now projected to kill 58,000 over the next 5 years for each 1% rise.  Unemployment has now increased by 12-16% - so the math would say we are looking at 696,000 - 928,000 deaths just from unemployment.  Add to that the effects from social isolation plus the destruction of the economy, and the numbers could go much higher and end up being much worse than from the virus. It's way more complex than economy vs virus.  Do you really want to live in a world like that?  See The True Cost of the Pandemic.  Also Epidemiologist Warns Of Unintended Consequences From Lockdowns.  

If you think the true numbers of Covid-19 are being reported truthfully, you need to think again.  First, in Santa Clara County they tested around 3300 people for antibodies and found there were 50 - 85 times more people who had had it than previously reported.  Next, the CDC guidelines tell doctors that if they suspect Covid-19 as the cause of death to list it as the official cause of death, even though it may not be (and maybe they didn't eve have it).  How many deaths are being listed as Covid-19 that aren't the cause.  The flu looks like Covid-19 (where have all the flu deaths suddenly gone?).  Did you know when the CDC reports annual flu deaths and media gives you that number that it also includes deaths from pneumonia from any cause?  A lot more die from pneumonia than from the flu.  If you don't believe it, go to this CDC website Link to check the leading causes of death.  They don't combine any other causes, only flu and pneumonia.  Why?  No doubt to promote and sell the flu vaccine.  NOTE:  They just got back results on antibody tests conducted in Los Angeles County and found about 55 times more people have had Covid-19 than originally suspected (or about 420,000 people).  What this would mean is that instead of a 3% death rate it would be a 0.054% death rate or less than the flu.  And then, if you take care of your immune system through diet, exercise, supplements, good sleep, proper weight, low stress, etc., your odds of having a problem decrease dramatically.  It doesn't mean it can't happen, maybe you have a genetic defect or something, just that it probably won't.  On the other hand, if you take drugs (as most who are over 65 do), are overweight, etc., your odds of having problems increase dramatically.

THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT WITH THE NEW WARNING FROM THE HEAD OF THE CDC!!!!  What is the one thing that can protect you from getting and/or dying from Covid-19 (or the flu and other URI's) ?  Your immune system.  What is the one thing that the media or government will never tell you?  How to optimize (augment, balance) your immune system!!!  In fact, they won't allow anyone else to tell you, either.  They call all natural remedies misinformation, not proven, a hoax, etc.  Things that studies and anecdotal evidence have shown to be effective in augmenting your immunity.  They want nothing to interfere with their drugs and vaccines even if those alternatives could and do save lives and keep your immune system (thus you, too) healthy.  In a previous blog post I have listed what I do and what I avoid on a recent blog post.  It is why I am not worried about Covid-19 and why I haven't had the flu for over 15 years.  I just read today that the head of the CDC (Center for Disease Corruption?) said next Winter things will be worse than they have been now - and he may be right if you listen to the CDC and do nothing to support your immune system.  I know what I'm going to be doing - exactly what I've done for the past 15 years (the point where my fine-tuning paid off).  I can't tell you that what I do will work for you (no, really, I'm not allowed to), but you can check out what I do and research what I take (using DuckDuckGo search engine or buying lots of books).  You absolutely MUST have a good immune system.  More Covid-19 information here with lots of links to scientists, doctors, investigative journalists, etc., to save you time in your research.  You may have lots of extra time right now so it's the perfect time to learn about your health.

Why  did I title this, "The End of the World?"  Because one day they will make untested vaccines mandatory and inject everyone on the planet only to find out it is fatal after some period of time.
And that, as they say, is that.  That is what I am afraid of, as well as shutting down everything and destroying the economy and our way of life, not Covid-19.

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