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Monday, June 1, 2015

As I See It - Fluoride, GMO's, Vaccinations, Drugs...and a Healthy Life - Part II

VACCINATIONS Continued:  I didn't get to the drugs and healthy life in the last post, so will talk about that here, briefly, but first I need to add a few things to Part I and vaccinations.  Almost daily I receive or see some article or newsletter, either on FB or in my email, with something about vaccinations, as that is currently a hot topic.  Many times it's about a problem (injury or death) another child had as a result of being vaccinated.  Here is a link to the latest one - I hope you'll read the whole story so that this won't happen to you, or if it does, you'll know why as well as what to do:  Michigan baby dies, pathologists confirm vaccines responsible.  In my previous post, I had mentioned 108 people died in the last 10 years due to the measles vaccine....after reading this story, I wonder what the actual number is.  If this mother hadn't done the follow-up to her sons death, no one would have known it was the vaccines that caused it.

Some of you may know that several years ago the FDA outlawed the use of Ephedra because it was claimed that it was responsible for several deaths.  On the other hand, vaccinations, which have killed many more people, instead of being outlawed, several states are attempting to make them mandatory.  Last year, they promoted a flu vaccine, which many health care workers are required to get to keep their jobs - only problem was that that vaccine was for the wrong flu.  The news reported it was 25% effective.  But what was it in reality?  Most likely totally ineffective, from what I've read outside the mainstream media.  What's the other option?  See nutrition and supplements below.

The eighth amendment ot the U.S. Constitution partially reads, ".... nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
As I see it, forced (mandatory) vaccinations that may, and do, cause death, permanent disability, brain damage, and other problems would be at the very least cruel and unusual.  It's a punishment for doing nothing wrong, other than being alive.  Wouldn't the hardships to the families of those affected also be cruel and unusual?

This link about Whooping Cough from today (June 1, 2015) - Whooping Cough - increasing due to vaccine.

Here are 2 past of my past posts about vaccinations, with many links:  Hereand Here.

Last word on this (for now) - I am not anti-vaccination, I AM pro-choice.  I am for people being informed (educated) about the truth regarding vaccines (or anything else, for that matter).

DRUGS (the ones by prescription, that is) - Because there are way too many prescription drugs to cover here, I am providing some links, plus the fact that at least 103,000 - 106,000 people die each year from properly prescribed prescription drugs.  And side effects are in the neighborhood of 4.5 million each year - not a good neighborhood to be in!  Here's a link - Prescription Drug Side Effects.  And here are a few links to specific drugs and their side effects (blood thinner, diabetes, high blood pressure, and also the dangers of statins):
Blood Thinner
Blood Pressure
Diabetes - I've seen these ads on TV of the happy smiley people with the nice lively music, but what they don't show is the people who have the side effects.  I think I can guarantee they will be not all happy and smiley.  Thankfully, my father was able to get off his medication by changing his diet.  And no side effects to that!
Statins - One possible side effect is Diabetes.  Hmmmm.  So you take a statin, then you need the diabetes drug above, with still more side effects.

It would seem to me that people need to get educated about drugs and side effects as many times their doctors don't tell them about the side effects, or at leas not all of them.  The best part is that all the information is available to you on the internet.  If you Google the name of the drug and add "side effects" or "dangers" to it, you can find a wealth of information, probably with references for you to further check out.  As with vaccinations, GMO's, etc., remember it's your life and your health at stake, and thus your happiness and enjoyment of life.

NUTRITION & SUPPLEMENTS - What works for my health?  Not taking drugs of any kind (including vaccines), no GMO's, almost no sugar, no artificial sweeteners or colors, no chemicals in my food (well, because it seems there are contaminants and toxins everywhere, I probably get some).  I eat mostly organic food (least amount of chemicals and toxins), take supplements, get lots of exercise, try to be as stress free as possible, and get a good nights sleep.  Oh - and eat only whole foods (i.e. - not processed foods).

Everyone's needs for supplements will be different.  What works for me may not work for you, you may not need some of that things I take, or you may need something different.  And you may need to change what you take as time goes by.  It took me many years to get to the point I am at now in regarding supplements and diet.  Talk to your health practitioner before starting on a supplement program, and make sure he or she is an expert in nutrition.  With the above said, here is a list of what I take to stay healthy:

Multivitamin - either Synergy One a Day or Synergy 3000 from Vitacost.
Co-Q-10 - for my heart - 100mg - 200mg/day.
MSM - by Doctor's Best - 1000mg/day - for multiple reasons
Glucosamine Sulphate - 1000mg/day - for my joints
Vitamin E - 400iu every other day.
Vitamin K (as K2 MK7 and K1)
Astaxanthin - 4-5mg/day
Vitamin D3 - 5000iu - 6 days/week
Triple Mushroom Complex - for immune support
Super Green Mix Powder with Herbs - all organic, which I put in my smoothie 6 days a week - Contains Chlorella, Spirulina, Wheat Grass, Camu Camu, Goji, Acai, Cacao - plus a couple of other powders specific for me.
Calcium and Magnesium
Probiotic - At least several billion strong.  I change, but currently taking PB8.  For immune support, digestive support, and more.
Vitamin C - 2,000mg/day
Fish Oil

This is not my complete list.  It may sound like a lot, but it works for me.

Always cycle herbs.  I take some some 3 days on, 1 day off.  Others I do 6 days on, 1 day off.  Almost everything else in the list above I take 7 days on, 1 day off.  Since doing the above supplements, along with a healthy diet, I've stopped getting sick - no colds, no flu, no allergies, etc.  Unfortunately, I still get injuries from playing too much paddle tennis!

I hope you find some of this information helpful.  And I hope you have a long and healthy life, or in the words of Spock from Star Trek - "Live long and prosper."

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