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Thursday, June 18, 2015

More Info on Vaccines (as SB277 gets closer in California)

I have seen comments similar to the following regarding pro-choice vaccination sites - they are unreliable, are false, are this or that;  and my thoughts about those comments:

1.  You can't use the internet to get your answers about vaccinations.  Some of those sites are the CDC website, VAERS website, and websites belonging to scientists and doctors.  And you can also check on the credentials of the scientists and doctors whose sites you go to.  All this information is verifiable.  What about people whose children have been harmed and their websites?  Well, you can't verify all of them, but some you can.  And we know that at least some of them are the statistics listed on the CDC and VAERS websites.  I've posted links to many of these sites recently.  Here is another government site that describes a study concerning aluminum in vaccines:  Aluminum Adjuvants at PubMed Site.

2.  We need this percent of the population vaccinated to get Herd Immunity.  You can check on what herd immunity really is, not the current circulating myth, here:  Herd Immunity.  Those who want everyone vaccinated give this as a reason, which is based upon incorrect information.

3.  You're worried about Formaldehyde?  It's in the fruit you eat.  But here's the truth:  "Formaldehyde: The US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) allows no more than 0.016 ppm (parts per million) of formaldehyde in the air of new buildings (off-gassing). The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) states that formaldehyde is “immediately dangerous to life and health at 20 ppm”. So how do our flu vaccines rate? They range from 25 to 100 mcg (micrograms) per dose which equates to 50 to 200 ppm per dose. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) describe formaldehyde as carcinogenic, mutagenic and possibly teratogenic."
    It is not ingested, where perhaps you can eliminate it - it is injected.

4.  The toxins are in too small a quantity to do any damage.  If that was true, then where are the brain damages and deaths from vaccines coming from?  I doubt anyone knows, for a particular person, what amount of toxins someone can tolerate.  And obviously, some people can't tolerate the amounts in the vaccine, especially when given several at the same time.

4.  Vaccines have eliminated most diseases.  Fact - 98% of the diseases attributed to vaccination were already eliminated before the vaccination was available, perhaps due to better hygiene, actual herd immunity, better nutrition, or some other unknown cause.

5.  An interesting story from a doctor's website:  Dr. Brownstein, M.D.

I think the above is enough information to answer the question about whether you can get good information from the internet.

Now to answer those who want mandatory vaccination.  Read the following carefully, and then come to your own conclusions:  New England Journal of Medicine - Article written 50 years after the Nuremberg Code.  It includes the code.  It seems some people want to do away with the lessens we learned back then.

Bottom Line:  Vaccines are an experiment which you must have the Freedom of Choice to accept or reject because we know vaccinations are not safe for everyone (or perhaps for anyone).  We have no idea what the very long term effects might be for any individual.  We don't know what old age diseases might have been a result of current vaccines.  We do know some have permanent brain damage, some have died, or have had other problems.  Anyone who says they are safe is either lying or completely misinformed.

So am I pro or anti vaccination?  Neither.  I am pro informed choice and freedom of choice based upon the facts.

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