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Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Media, The Flu, and You

The headline is always the most difficult part of my posts.  For this post, this headline might have included any number of maladies (colds, heart disease, cancer, and more), not to mention any number of drugs.

In all the news stories and ads about these things, what are two things they almost never talk about?  Nutrition and supplements, and how they might help you avoid some, if not almost all maladies (depending on environmental toxins you may be exposed to, heredity, your stress levels, your outlook on life, etc.).  Thankfully, we have the internet, and we still have books, too, although the internet is a bit more convenient when researching something.  And we have search engines - I use Google for pretty much all my searches.

What do you search for - what words do you put into Google?  Well, let's say you want to avoid getting the flu as an example.  These are things I would search for:

Flu Mercola - I just checked, and 465,000 results came up.  Why Mercola?  Because I know he has excellent posts about natural health.

Orthomolecular flu - Orthomolecular Medicine is another great site for natural alternatives.

Or I might search for "flu natural treatments," etc.

If you saw an ad on TV for a particular drug for a particular condition, I would put the condition in Google, along with "nutrition," "natural remedies," alternative treatments," etc.

Thanks to my research on diet, supplements, and exercise, and practicing these things (aka healthy lifestyle), I haven't had the flu for many years.  Before going to health, I pretty much got it every year.

If, after all I've done, I still start to feel symptoms of a cold or sore throat, etc., as soon as I feel any symptoms, I take two things immediately - Oil of Oregano and Cyclone Cider.  Usually the symptoms fade out over a few hours to half a day.

Hope this helps someone.


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