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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Neuropathy, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Etc., and "Food," Supplements, and Drugs

I put Food in quotes in the title because what too many people eat I would not consider to be food.  The link at the bottom of this post will give more detail on why.

You may have heard of the Unified Field Theory that basically tries to tie everything together into one theory.  What I am summarizing here could be thought of as the Unified Natural Health Theory.  It will be extremely condensed and compacted or would need several volumes to describe it completely.  Actually, thinking about it, I will have to spread it out over many posts - this post will be an introduction.

There will be links to other pages because I cannot legally say certain things.  For example, if you have neuropathy, I cannot tell you that a certain natural formula might help you.  However, you can do an independent Google search to find certain information.  I do this often, plus look in various health books for answers to questions I have.  Prevention is a much better alternative to trying to fix a problem you acquired through poor eating habits.  And that is what my Unified Natural Health Theory will be about.

I am writing this because of what I saw happen to my parents (and grandparents) and their health, as well as my own poor health before the age of 30, and the results I have gotten since then through a healthy diet and supplements.  I mention healthy diet - what does that include, and more importantly, what does it exclude?  About supplements - how did I get to the mix of supplements I take today, and why yours most likely would need to be different, at least partially so.

I wanted to talk about....I was going to say links, and because I mentioned neuropathy in the title, was going to put a link to it, but this would be better:  in Google, start typing "natural neuropathy" and you get a drop down list of many combinations to search for.  There would be enough to keep you busy for days.

When I see a link I want to go to, I usually right click it, and open it in a new window.  That way, when I close that window, I don't lose my place on the page I was reading.  And I don't lose the page.

Now here are a few links - the first one, I received in an email today:
Artificial Sweeteners
Foods you should eat and avoid

This is all for today.

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