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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Glamour/Beauty Portrait Photography

If you've followed this blog for any time, you'll know that it has two major interests:  Photography and Health.  It is supposed to be only a photography blog, but health is too important to dismiss, and besides that, good health is paramount to getting great photography.  I have an extensive background in both.  I've been practicing and studying professional photography since 1969 when I got my first Nikon, and studying and practicing nutrition since the late 1970s.  This post is about my photography - I am planning to do Glamour/Beauty Portrait Photography in the near future.  I would like to get some new samples, so would do these for FREE!  If you think you have the look and are willing to sign a model release, please contact me.  I will only be doing this for a limited number of people.

What is Glamour/Beauty Portrait Photography?  Different people will define it differently.  If you are paying to have your beauty/glamour portrait done, then you are the one who will define it however you feel is appropriate to you.  If you go to the following link, you will see examples of how one photographer defines it:  Sue Bryce.  Below, you will see samples of what I feel it might be.  In the past, I had not had a professional make-up person at my photo sessions.  To bring out and highlight your beauty, I now encourage it, although if you are experienced, you may be able to do your own.  Below are some photos I have done.  All the people did their own make-up and hair.  As always, if you click on a photo, you can see it larger.

Note that your images can be in color or black and white.  Also Sepia, and an almost infinite number of other effects, from realistic to artistic.

This was an unplanned photo taken while she really was putting on her make-up before the shoot.  It is a reflection of her in a (very clean) mirror.

Glamour Portrait Photography can include, besides what is shown here and at the Sue Bryce's link above, Boudoir Photography, Intimate Portraiture, Pin-Up, and Beauty Portraits.  It is meant to make you look like what you might see on a magazine cover, or on the pages of the magazine.  It will, if done right, make you look like you never thought you could, but like you've always wanted to.

Note that my new photography is still in the planning stages.  I don't yet have set prices and I will want to photograph some new image samples - for this, the session time will be free, and the print cost will be quite inexpensive.  And those I choose for this will be very limited, to fit the images I will be looking for (similar to some of those above).

On some day prior to the photo session, a consultation is required so we can go over all your questions, suggest poses or looks (I've put together a posing book), or you can show me poses you've clipped out of a magazine that you would like to try.  Plus you can tell me your best features, features you might want to hide, as well as any other concerns.  The consultation is Free of Charge.  The actual session can be at your location or a location of your choosing.

People always want to know about pricing.  At one end, we have photographers like Bradford Rowley (don't worry, I won't be charging this much for a while), and at the other end there are companies like Glamour Shots that have Groupon Coupons, are very inexpensive initially, but try to pressure you into spending a fortune, according to some Yelp reviews.  You can see some of those Here.  As you read some of the comments, you can rest assured I do not do what they do.  Below are some policies I will be offering - what I imagine a Bradford Rowley or a Sue Bryce might offer - although very few photographers offer the first one.

A total and complete money back guarantee - if you decide the photos aren't what you wanted, you do not have to accept the results, and you get every penny back that you paid for the photography.  If you get make-up and hair done, any refund for that would be up to the make-up artist.  If your photos don't thrill you, I didn't do my job and shouldn't be paid!

You have the final say on all poses, which will be discussed in the consultation.  I will be there to assist and direct you, but you have the final say.

There is never any pressure to pose a certain way, or order any amount photos.

The atmosphere will always be very relaxed - after all, to get the best images, you have to enjoy the process and have fun doing it.  At the same time, it will be extremely professional.

We will discuss what is involved with post processing and how much you might want.  We can smooth your skin a lot, a little, or not at all.  We can get rid of blemishes, and even change the way the lighting looks!  Before ordering any prints or books, we can show you comparisons of different amounts of post processing to give you an idea of what can be done if you wish, so you can choose how you want to look.

There will be no set amount of exposures per session.  Nor will there be a set amount of time....well, within limits for both.  It will basically be whatever time and exposures are needed to get what you want.  It might be one hour or four, 50 shots or 500.  My goal is to give you the best experience possible so that you'll love your photos....and send all your friends to me for theirs!  It may include several changes of clothing.

The Nuremberg Code and Vaccinations

You can find the Nuremberg Code at, among other places, by Googling that phrase.  For more info on this, please see the link in my previous post.  Below is a copy of the code.  It is not the law, but I think it should be.  And it should be given to every person administering vaccinations by each person getting vaccinated so they can be fully informed by the doctor or nurse.  The outcomes of being vaccinated for each individual are unknown, so for each person it is an experiment, thus the Nuremberg Code.

Today's link from Dr. Mercola's site:  About Vaccinations - California

Just found this link to a YouTube presentation by Dr. Eggertsen, a doctor in Washington State who explains why some of his patients refuse vaccination - with a list of references at the conclusion of his talk.  It's just over an hour long, but well worth listening to.  Here is the Link: Dr. Eggertsen.

Again, I am neither pro nor anti vaccination for others, but I am pro Truth and pro Informed Choice for all, as set forth in the Nuremberg Code.

The Nuremberg Code

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
    This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
    The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study, that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

  5. No experiment should be conducted, where there is an apriori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

  9. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end, if he has reached the physical or mental state, where continuation of the experiment seemed to him to be impossible.

  10. During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgement required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

More Info on Vaccines (as SB277 gets closer in California)

I have seen comments similar to the following regarding pro-choice vaccination sites - they are unreliable, are false, are this or that;  and my thoughts about those comments:

1.  You can't use the internet to get your answers about vaccinations.  Some of those sites are the CDC website, VAERS website, and websites belonging to scientists and doctors.  And you can also check on the credentials of the scientists and doctors whose sites you go to.  All this information is verifiable.  What about people whose children have been harmed and their websites?  Well, you can't verify all of them, but some you can.  And we know that at least some of them are the statistics listed on the CDC and VAERS websites.  I've posted links to many of these sites recently.  Here is another government site that describes a study concerning aluminum in vaccines:  Aluminum Adjuvants at PubMed Site.

2.  We need this percent of the population vaccinated to get Herd Immunity.  You can check on what herd immunity really is, not the current circulating myth, here:  Herd Immunity.  Those who want everyone vaccinated give this as a reason, which is based upon incorrect information.

3.  You're worried about Formaldehyde?  It's in the fruit you eat.  But here's the truth:  "Formaldehyde: The US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) allows no more than 0.016 ppm (parts per million) of formaldehyde in the air of new buildings (off-gassing). The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) states that formaldehyde is “immediately dangerous to life and health at 20 ppm”. So how do our flu vaccines rate? They range from 25 to 100 mcg (micrograms) per dose which equates to 50 to 200 ppm per dose. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) describe formaldehyde as carcinogenic, mutagenic and possibly teratogenic."
    It is not ingested, where perhaps you can eliminate it - it is injected.

4.  The toxins are in too small a quantity to do any damage.  If that was true, then where are the brain damages and deaths from vaccines coming from?  I doubt anyone knows, for a particular person, what amount of toxins someone can tolerate.  And obviously, some people can't tolerate the amounts in the vaccine, especially when given several at the same time.

4.  Vaccines have eliminated most diseases.  Fact - 98% of the diseases attributed to vaccination were already eliminated before the vaccination was available, perhaps due to better hygiene, actual herd immunity, better nutrition, or some other unknown cause.

5.  An interesting story from a doctor's website:  Dr. Brownstein, M.D.

I think the above is enough information to answer the question about whether you can get good information from the internet.

Now to answer those who want mandatory vaccination.  Read the following carefully, and then come to your own conclusions:  New England Journal of Medicine - Article written 50 years after the Nuremberg Code.  It includes the code.  It seems some people want to do away with the lessens we learned back then.

Bottom Line:  Vaccines are an experiment which you must have the Freedom of Choice to accept or reject because we know vaccinations are not safe for everyone (or perhaps for anyone).  We have no idea what the very long term effects might be for any individual.  We don't know what old age diseases might have been a result of current vaccines.  We do know some have permanent brain damage, some have died, or have had other problems.  Anyone who says they are safe is either lying or completely misinformed.

So am I pro or anti vaccination?  Neither.  I am pro informed choice and freedom of choice based upon the facts.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Yay - Photography - Equipment If You Are New to Photography

I just read another blog that discussed whether you should buy a cheap used camera when starting out.  In the article, the author was comparing a Nikon D800 to a Nikon D40X.  One of his most important points was that the lens is the most important element to consider.  So what's the answer?  What camera/lens combination should you get?

That is actually a complex question.  It partially depends on your budget.  And what you'll be using it for (portraits, landscapes, street photography, architectural photography, etc.).  Keep in mind that every camera has a rating for how many shutter clicks you will get before it fails.  If you buy a used one, how many photos have been already shot with it and how long will it last?  Perhaps it would be better to buy a new one of a less expensive model?  I did that for my beach camera - a Panasonic FZ30, which takes great photos and video, but in low light it has quality problems.  However, that is seldom a problem at the beach during the day, so it has been a good camera for that.

Other things to consider - does it have VR (vibration reduction)?  This may be called something else on other cameras.  How high an ISO does it have so you can shoot in low light?  My Panasonic is not so good with this one.  Is the camera weather sealed?

As far as lenses go - you can find some very good used ones and save quite a bit.  And there are some new off brand lenses that are of equal quality to the brand made for the camera.  So shop around and read reviews.

The bottom line is this, as I learned a long time ago in a photos class - eliminate the variables.  Back then, it had to do with cameras, lenses, and film processing.  Now we don't have to worry about film processing.  Variables are now about proper exposure, focal length, ISO, RAW or Jpg, and camera and lens quality.  The more variables you can eliminate, the better the results you'll get.

Never forget, it's your vision that will make a good or bad photo - the camera and lens is just the means to capture that vision.  You just have to make sure the camera lens combination has the ability to capture what you envision.

The above photo was shot with a Canon 40D and 24-105 f4L lens in RAW mode, then processed in Lightroom and Portrait Pro.  It is my other beach camera now and is a bit heavier than the Panasonic.

This photo, of the same person, was taken with the Panasonic FZ30 in .jpg format.  It has a 12x zoom lens build in.  Both were taken in daylight.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I will try to answer.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

As I See It - Fluoride, GMO's, Vaccinations, Drugs...and a Healthy Life - Some Final Thoughts

Things to think about:

If mandatory vaccinations are for the greater good, then shouldn't a healthy diet (organic pesticide  and chemical free non-sugary whole foods) also be mandatory?  Along with vitamins and supplements.  And exercise.

Why should vaccinations be mandatory if those who are vaccinated are safe from those who aren't?  And if the vaccinated are not safe, then obviously vaccines are not that effective (and this seems to be the case).

If everything is for the greater good, then smoking and drinking should be eliminated due to cancer second hand smoke and DUI deaths and injuries.  Also drugs that may cause violent behaviors (such as school shootings, etc.).

After 60+ years of research on cancer, the only reason cancer has decreased is due to the corresponding decrease in smokers.  Other than that, rates have actually gone up.  Why are the causes not being eliminated (pesticides and environmental toxins, etc.)?  Would that not be for the greater good?

Unfortunately, scientific studies that are quoted by those promoting this or that cause, can be manipulated to show whatever result someone wants to show.  Which is why I like so called anecdotal evidence - talking with real people about real results (in the 20 years in retail vitamin and supplement sales, I've talked with about 30,000 people, and got lots of great feedback about health and nutrition).

What is the common denominator which answers everything?  Money, always follow the Money.  Vaccines bring in billions of dollars, as do the results of vaccine injuries (a lifetime of doctors and hospitals, assuming you weren't killed by the vaccine).  As does cancer, drugs, etc.  If a healthy diet with proper vitamins and supplements was mandatory, along with the elimination of environmental toxins, most of the other costs would be eliminated.  Add exercise, stress reduction, proper sleep, and good hygiene, and I have little doubt that most drug companies and many doctors and hospitals would be out of business.  There would be no need for vaccines.  I was about to end this here, when I read the following this morning:

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) said people needed to have choices based on scientific data.
“We need herd immunity in California,” she said, referring to the percentage of people who need to be vaccinated to protect those who are too young or too infirm to get immunized. “When it comes to personal liberty, it never includes the right to endanger other people; that’s what this bill is about.”

This was about CA SB277 (mandatory vaccination to attend school in CA).  She said people needed to have choices based on scientific data - it would have been nice if she had actually done the research on all the scientific data.  She said we need herd immunity - here is a link you should read (and so should she):  Herd Immunity (note the references in the article).  And finally, she said "it never includes the right to endanger other people....," yet that is exactly what this bill is doing, which she would have known had she done her research.  When children are dying and getting brain damage from immunizations, are they not being endangered?  Since when, in the U.S., is it OK to forcefully give medical procedures that may kill or permanently injure people?

There are always two sides to every story.  Unfortunately, the media is only reporting one side.  As is everyone who stands to make a profit from that side.  The other side is thankfully included on the internet.  After researching everything, you should be informed enough to make your own decision, whether it's about your diet, vaccinations, or whatever.  But only you should have that freedom to choose, not have someone choose for you, especially when it comes to your well being.

Monday, June 1, 2015

As I See It - Fluoride, GMO's, Vaccinations, Drugs...and a Healthy Life - Part II

VACCINATIONS Continued:  I didn't get to the drugs and healthy life in the last post, so will talk about that here, briefly, but first I need to add a few things to Part I and vaccinations.  Almost daily I receive or see some article or newsletter, either on FB or in my email, with something about vaccinations, as that is currently a hot topic.  Many times it's about a problem (injury or death) another child had as a result of being vaccinated.  Here is a link to the latest one - I hope you'll read the whole story so that this won't happen to you, or if it does, you'll know why as well as what to do:  Michigan baby dies, pathologists confirm vaccines responsible.  In my previous post, I had mentioned 108 people died in the last 10 years due to the measles vaccine....after reading this story, I wonder what the actual number is.  If this mother hadn't done the follow-up to her sons death, no one would have known it was the vaccines that caused it.

Some of you may know that several years ago the FDA outlawed the use of Ephedra because it was claimed that it was responsible for several deaths.  On the other hand, vaccinations, which have killed many more people, instead of being outlawed, several states are attempting to make them mandatory.  Last year, they promoted a flu vaccine, which many health care workers are required to get to keep their jobs - only problem was that that vaccine was for the wrong flu.  The news reported it was 25% effective.  But what was it in reality?  Most likely totally ineffective, from what I've read outside the mainstream media.  What's the other option?  See nutrition and supplements below.

The eighth amendment ot the U.S. Constitution partially reads, ".... nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
As I see it, forced (mandatory) vaccinations that may, and do, cause death, permanent disability, brain damage, and other problems would be at the very least cruel and unusual.  It's a punishment for doing nothing wrong, other than being alive.  Wouldn't the hardships to the families of those affected also be cruel and unusual?

This link about Whooping Cough from today (June 1, 2015) - Whooping Cough - increasing due to vaccine.

Here are 2 past of my past posts about vaccinations, with many links:  Hereand Here.

Last word on this (for now) - I am not anti-vaccination, I AM pro-choice.  I am for people being informed (educated) about the truth regarding vaccines (or anything else, for that matter).

DRUGS (the ones by prescription, that is) - Because there are way too many prescription drugs to cover here, I am providing some links, plus the fact that at least 103,000 - 106,000 people die each year from properly prescribed prescription drugs.  And side effects are in the neighborhood of 4.5 million each year - not a good neighborhood to be in!  Here's a link - Prescription Drug Side Effects.  And here are a few links to specific drugs and their side effects (blood thinner, diabetes, high blood pressure, and also the dangers of statins):
Blood Thinner
Blood Pressure
Diabetes - I've seen these ads on TV of the happy smiley people with the nice lively music, but what they don't show is the people who have the side effects.  I think I can guarantee they will be not all happy and smiley.  Thankfully, my father was able to get off his medication by changing his diet.  And no side effects to that!
Statins - One possible side effect is Diabetes.  Hmmmm.  So you take a statin, then you need the diabetes drug above, with still more side effects.

It would seem to me that people need to get educated about drugs and side effects as many times their doctors don't tell them about the side effects, or at leas not all of them.  The best part is that all the information is available to you on the internet.  If you Google the name of the drug and add "side effects" or "dangers" to it, you can find a wealth of information, probably with references for you to further check out.  As with vaccinations, GMO's, etc., remember it's your life and your health at stake, and thus your happiness and enjoyment of life.

NUTRITION & SUPPLEMENTS - What works for my health?  Not taking drugs of any kind (including vaccines), no GMO's, almost no sugar, no artificial sweeteners or colors, no chemicals in my food (well, because it seems there are contaminants and toxins everywhere, I probably get some).  I eat mostly organic food (least amount of chemicals and toxins), take supplements, get lots of exercise, try to be as stress free as possible, and get a good nights sleep.  Oh - and eat only whole foods (i.e. - not processed foods).

Everyone's needs for supplements will be different.  What works for me may not work for you, you may not need some of that things I take, or you may need something different.  And you may need to change what you take as time goes by.  It took me many years to get to the point I am at now in regarding supplements and diet.  Talk to your health practitioner before starting on a supplement program, and make sure he or she is an expert in nutrition.  With the above said, here is a list of what I take to stay healthy:

Multivitamin - either Synergy One a Day or Synergy 3000 from Vitacost.
Co-Q-10 - for my heart - 100mg - 200mg/day.
MSM - by Doctor's Best - 1000mg/day - for multiple reasons
Glucosamine Sulphate - 1000mg/day - for my joints
Vitamin E - 400iu every other day.
Vitamin K (as K2 MK7 and K1)
Astaxanthin - 4-5mg/day
Vitamin D3 - 5000iu - 6 days/week
Triple Mushroom Complex - for immune support
Super Green Mix Powder with Herbs - all organic, which I put in my smoothie 6 days a week - Contains Chlorella, Spirulina, Wheat Grass, Camu Camu, Goji, Acai, Cacao - plus a couple of other powders specific for me.
Calcium and Magnesium
Probiotic - At least several billion strong.  I change, but currently taking PB8.  For immune support, digestive support, and more.
Vitamin C - 2,000mg/day
Fish Oil

This is not my complete list.  It may sound like a lot, but it works for me.

Always cycle herbs.  I take some some 3 days on, 1 day off.  Others I do 6 days on, 1 day off.  Almost everything else in the list above I take 7 days on, 1 day off.  Since doing the above supplements, along with a healthy diet, I've stopped getting sick - no colds, no flu, no allergies, etc.  Unfortunately, I still get injuries from playing too much paddle tennis!

I hope you find some of this information helpful.  And I hope you have a long and healthy life, or in the words of Spock from Star Trek - "Live long and prosper."