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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Photography and "Selfies" (and a Health Link)

I have lately been seeing more and more "selfies" (photos shot of you, by you) on the internet.  Unfortunately, too many are exposed wrong, out of focus, or have other problems.  What's surprising is that some people are using them for resume photos and for dating sites.  For FB and Twitter, they may be fine and fun, but if you want to use a photo for a specific result (finding a job or a date), it would be better to use a professional photographer.  This guy did - I saw him while in Solvang, CA.

OK - I'm joking.  But you can see exactly what he looks like.  You may not want to hire him or date him, although if you did, he would be well behaved and not disagree with you (at least let's hope not).

If you do shoot a selfy - make sure you are well lit, in focus, and if you are doing it by shooting into a mirror, make sure the mirror is clean and you don't use a flash.  Better yet, if your camera has a timer, use that with the camera on a tripod.  Because the exposures are basically free, you can experiment with it until you get some really good photos.

Now for the health link to Food Babe - if you want to eat healthy food, check out the site. - enjoy and here's to your health!

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