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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Vaccinations - Safe and Effective????

I'm sure you've seen the claims in the main stream media, or from your doctor or pharmacist, and in ads that vaccines are "safe and effective."  Please check the facts, because they tell a different story.  And IF they tell a different story, THEN you are either being lied to or those who are supposed to be educated aren't, and IF you are being lied to or those who are supposed to have the answers don't have the correct answers, THEN why would you trust them (media, doctors, etc.)?

What are some of the facts?
1.  The U.S. Supreme Count has said vaccines are "Unavoidably Unsafe."
2.  The measles vaccine has killed more people in the U.S. than measles has over the past 15 years.
3.  Mumps outbreaks on college campuses has occurred in fully vaccinated individuals in around 98% of the cases.
4.  Menningococcal vaccine is killing and injuring more than the disease it is supposed to prevent.
5.  At the recommended 3+ doses of pertussis, those who received those doses in 2014 had more than 5x the number of cases of pertussis than those who received no vaccine (see CDC chart here).
6.  Four vaccines were recently tested for Glyphosate, and herbicide, and those vaccines contained glyphosate - which is directly injected into your body when getting those vaccines.
7.  With all the miraculous effects they claim for vaccines, plus all the money spent on medicine and health care in the U.S., the U.S. should have the best statistics for longevity, health, and infant mortality, wouldn't you think?  Not only does it not have the best, it is actually one of the worst of all developed nations, ranking 30th or lower in all those categories.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point.  My best advice is to do your research from independent sources.  To help you, here are some past blogs with links to various sources, herehere, and here (with some charts on infant mortality and vaccinated vs non vaccinated German study).

Please make informed choices and learn the truth - it may save your life or your child's life and health.  Don't believe me - do your research!  That's what I did.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Zika, Vaccines, Pesticides

This is just a brief summary of things that I have found and read about Zika and Microcephaly.  But first, does (or can) Zika cause Microcephaly?  I can't answer that, but I can say do not get your opinion on this from the media, the CDC, the drug companies, or those who stand to make a profit from this.  You must do your own independent research and find the facts.

What are some of the facts I have found?
1.  Before Zika ever came to the U.S., there were 25,000 cases of microcephaly a year in this country.
2.  In Colombia, where they have Zika and the mosquito, no cases of microcephaly.
3.  In Brazil, pregnant women get vaccinated with vaccines containing known neurotoxic ingredients.
4.  In Brazil, they heavily spray pesticides, herbacides, and larvacides containing neurotoxins.
5.  I just read they are now vaccinating pregnant women in the U.S. and also spraying Naled, which contains what?  Neurotoxins.  In high enough amounts it can be deadly to people.

To me at least, common sense and logic from the above statements would lead to a conclusion that microcephaly is probably being caused by vaccines and environmental toxins (pesticides, herbicides, larvacides) or a combination of these.  And Zika is the scapegoat.

The other logical thing I see happening is that they (media, government, etc.) will now be able to blame Zika for whatever problems might be caused by vaccines and spraying, while at the same time scaring people into lining up for the vaccine when it becomes available.  So instead of doing what they should do - suspend spraying and vaccinating pregnant women so they can determine if this is the problem, and find if this might be a definitive solution, they'll probably compound the problem with even more neurotoxic substances in the new vaccine.

Unfortunately, I believe their game plan is to make sure pregnant women are exposed to all three things - Zika, vaccines, and spraying - and then put all the blame on Zika.  And with the media repeating this mantra over and over and over, most people will believe it.  Why?  Because they will not do the independent research, even when the lives and health of their children depend on it.  I wish they would prove me wrong.

As I learned a long time ago in a photography class - eliminate the variables!  There are three here - Zika, Vaccines, Spraying.  To find what is causing what, you have to eliminate two at a time, and then see if the third one causes problems.  You MUST ask yourself, why aren't they doing that?  Only one answer I can think of - they want to blame Zika, because that will be a moneymaker.  Vaccines and spraying are moneymakers - so they get to keep those.

A final word - the above are only my opinions, but I would be a lot more in fear of the media, government, CDC, drug companies, etc., then I would be in fear of Zika.