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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Contracts, Guarantees, and Photography

I've been listening to a webinar given by a husband and wife photography team about how they run their business.  They have a photography business and said it will be run like a business.  Therefore, When you sign their contract you must know exactly what is in it as they will enforce it.  Some things included is that you're obligated to accept the results of the photo shoot  and pay for the minimum order that is in the contract, regardless of whether you can't show up on time (got caught in traffic, a flat tire, etc. - too bad, you pay), and regardless of whether or not you like the results.  If you do not fulfill the contract, you will still have to pay or they will report you to the three credit agencies.  What does all this mean?  It means that you are taking a risk - good results or not, you're obligated to pay.  Their photography is generally excellent; however, what if it wasn't what you wanted or you're one of the few who didn't get the results you wanted?  Too bad.  Is that how you would like a business to be run?  You decide.

To me, a reputable business will offer at least some form of a satisfaction guarantee.  That, to me, is the way to do business.

When I actively start my photography business, my clients will get a total 100% guarantee, which means not only would I re-shoot the images if you weren't thrilled with them, but even after a re-shoot, if you're still not happy, you will get every penny back that you paid me.  It will still be run like a professional business, meaning once you sign the contract, you would be responsible to show up or at least cancel prior to the session (probably 24 hours before).

I will also require that we meet on some day prior the the session to see if we are comfortable with each other.  After that initial meeting, we would either schedule a session or decide to not work with each other...because to get the best results, we need to feel good about each  other and know that we will get along well.  Once we decide to go ahead, we will go over the contract, and you must read it before signing, as you should with any contract.  The bottom line is there will be no risk for you.  And if you happen to get sick or injured, I wouldn't want to shoot you on that day - I want you to feel and look great, your absolute best!

The business I talked about - I would definitely use their services IF they offered a guarantee.  But not every photographer will give you the images you want every time.  Perhaps the photographer has the flu, a migraine, or whatever, and they can't get the perfect image for you.  You wouldn't want to be obligated to pay for the images, would you?

Hopefully I made the point that you must read contracts and you should get guarantees.  I have run my past businesses the way I would want a business to be run if I was the client or customer.

Hope everyone has a great Presidents Day (Washington Birthday) tomorrow.

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