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Saturday, October 12, 2024

More Old & New Photos...and Comments, of course.

 Most of my photos have a story attached to them.  Hope you enjoy these and this week more than others, I hope you will at least check out the first comment.

This photo was shot somewhere in California.  I was in the mood to explore a place I had never been so just started driving toward the mountains.  I ended up at an altitude of 9200 feet.  I have no idea where I was, LOL.  The next day I went to some caverns on the way to Sequoia.

I'm still wondering what happened between Chaplin & Hoffa one night, LOL.

The girl above was in a movie being filmed and was nice enough to let me shoot some photos of her.

Another movie filming in Santa Monica in from of the Sea Castle in the 1980's.  

I think this is of the caverns on the way to Sequoia mentioned above.

Probably from the early 1980's - a local Venice Beach girl.


Just watched this week's The Highwire with an interview with Naomi Wolf about her new book (The Pfizer Papers - you can check it out HERE and watch her interview).  It's about Pfizer's research documents on the C0v!d V, 450,000-pages of their own studies by a team of 3,000 doctors.  Those documents were obtained from the FDA, which means they knew everything Pfizer knew!  And yet, knowing what they know, they are still promoting it for all.

I have a feeling this would never have stayed up on the site referenced.  This all ties together with the mis, dis, mal, or whatever else they want to claim about information when they are the ones guilty of doing what they say others are doing.  Which is why Free Speech is extremely important.  There are those who want to end it so that you can't refute their lies.  Please watch The Highwire, Episode 392.  And for the collaboration between the CDC and ____________, Click this link.   Without free speech. none of this info would be available.  You would never know the truth.  All the lies they told related to c0v!d?  How dangerous would that be?  How dangerous has it been?

About 10 years ago I started researching vaxxes.  I was lucky - there was still truthful information available and easy to find.  That, in addition to my education in nutrition and supplements, and I did exactly the right stuff.  And had no worries about c0v!d.

NOTE:  The Highwire and ICAN are two of the most honest and trusted sources of information.  In the extremely rare instance when they have made a mistake, they have corrected it.  They list all of their sources and where they have gotten their information.  All their facts are verifiable.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Finished Editing over 1,000 Old Photos...and the Usual Comments

 I finished editing over 1000 photos.  I'll be posting them on this blog for quite a while. Some of them I could not do too much with because they had faded and/or color shifted and a lot of other problems. The software I used is meant to work mostly with raw images.  Of course, all of these were scanned from negatives or transparencies that had a lot of dust on them.  I did the best I could.  I could have spent years  on these 1000 photos to get rid of all the dust marks and all the other problems but then they would never get posted.

Some of the improvements were pretty amazing.  Back in the days of film photography it was a lot less expensive to shoot black and white which I developed myself, so there are a lot of those.  This post I'm mixing some very old, and some new photos from Sep 5.  Hope you enjoy.

Mini Burning Man at Venice Beach

From the early 80's when half the people at Venice Beach were on skates.  No inline skates yet.

Enjoying myself at a party - Early 80's.  The bottom three are more of the Mini Burning Man.


Just now added link for Safer Food!  Good petition to sign.

It's hard to believe another national election is coming up.  I don't usually post anything anywhere about politics.  I'll just say this:  First, I hope everyone will vote.  When they do, I hope they will vote on what gives them and their children the most hope for the future.  And make that choice based on the past actions of the candidates - which means you probably need to do your homework.  Which also means  not relying on the mainstream media.  There are many alternatives that are a lot more truthful.  Never forget how the MSM lied about C0v!d and continue to lie about the injectables.

Even with the devastation from Hurricane Helene, what I hear and see on the MSM is totally different than what I see online from many different sites.  For example, did you know FEMA funds were used for illegal immigrants and now they are out of money (or almost) to help with the devastation?  You won't hear that on the news.  You won't hear or see those injured by vaxxes, drugs, and lots of other things that are happening.  If you listen to only one source of information you'll have no idea of what's really going on.

When I was growing up the news was a lot more trusted and more honest.  I have found to be a great source of honest information.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Continuing Series of Photos and Comments

This started out as a photography blog many years ago.  Then transformed into a health blog as I started learning about vaxxes.  Then along came C0v!d so I shared information about that.  I am not a doctor but I went to the world's best expert doctors and scientists, several who were the most published in their fields of study in peer-reviewed journals.  I've shared that list on this blog.  Plus I've shared what I do to stay healthy (which took many years of trial and error but paid off in spades).  Now this blog is dedicated to health and photography.

So, about photography:  ON1 Photo Raw 2024.5 is my new favorite photo program (app as it's now called).  It works best, as the name implies, on RAW images.  It's not quite as good for old scanned images, but it still makes a huge improvement.  Below are new images for this blog.

An actress (whose name I don't know) from the early 1980s at Venice Beach.  The photos below are also from Venice Beach in the early to mid-1980s (except, of course, for the last photo).

This bottom shot is the Highway 154 Cold Spring Canyon Arch Bridge between Santa Barbara and the Santa Ynez Valley near Paradise.  It's the highest arch bridge in California.


I received the new AARP Bulletin and it used fear tactics to promote C0v!d vaxxes.  The same vaxxes that increase the likelihood that those who get them will get C0v!d...multiple times.  Not to mention the side effects (heart disease, skin diseases, diabetes, cancer, death, etc.).  A new study out of Japan shows that those who got two or more shots/boosters were 5x more likely to die than those who didn't.  On the other hand, you can take care of your health and probably not get C0v!d or a mild and uneventful case if you do get it.  The choice is yours.  Enjoy a healthy lifestyle and life, or listen to the CDC and big pharma and suffer.

Speaking of a healthy lifestyle, here is someone worth listening to.  She, like I, changed her health through diet and exercise:  Jillian Michaels.  

Friday, September 6, 2024

Cold Photos For Hot Days....and the Usual Comments

I've been preparing to set up a new computer and shooting some photos at the paddle tennis courts. Once that's completed, I can continue fixing my photos and posting more of them here. I'm constantly amazed that an old degraded photo can be returned to its original condition. Slightly out-of-focus photos can be made sharp, and grainy or noisy images can be made perfect. However, to fix one image currently can take 15 minutes to an hour on this computer so I've been putting it off until I get my new PC.  Meanwhile, during this heatwave, here are some old icy photos as well as some artsy new paddle tennis shots.

My new PC has not arrived on time, so did the best with these old snowy photos.

She was a neighbor, probably a freezing neighbor, haha.  But would be nice to have a spot like that today.  Some of the LA Valleys were 117 - 119 degrees.  It was probably around 32 in this photo.

This was an unusual snowfall in the hills above Santa Barbara from the mid-1970s.

As three artists might have painted Mackenzie playing paddle tennis at Venice Beach - late August, 2024.  The top artist would have been Benson, the bottom one, Van Gogh, and the middle one, Leroy Neiman.


November is getting close.  I hope you vote for which candidate offers the best policies for this country...assuming you can figure that out.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Photos (New Action Shots of Mackenzie & Bella) Plus My Usual Comments

 The photos for this post of two competitive paddle tennis players are recent photos for a change.  Hope you enjoy checking these out as much as I enjoyed shooting them.  I've been checking all my photos (29,000 of them!) and found around 2,000 or so that were duplicates or very similar.  I had to compare each set of dupes to see if one photo was better so was unable to use auto on duplicate finder software.  New software is amazing for fixing photos but it takes time and I wanted to fix the same images only once, hence the search and destroy for the dupes.

In the photos below, Mackenzie is in red and Bella is in black and white.  Reminds me of that old joke:  What's black and white and red all over?


As many of you may know, I've discussed health in many past posts.  If you check the statistics, you'll find the U.S. is way down the list of all countries for longevity.  It is at or near the top of the list for infant mortality, chronic health conditions, and in general, we have the worst health of any developed country.  Not to mention autism rates going from 1 in 10,000 about 40 years ago to 1 in 32 (or higher) now.  So it was nice to hear RFK, Jr's slogan, Make America Healthy Again.  That is why I recommend The Highwire each week.  Here is what I do to stay Healthy.  I have now added ginger and Bioperine (black pepper extract) to that superfood mix.  

As always, I hope you enjoy this post and the photos. 

And may you all go to health.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Photos and Comments - the Continuing Series

 I keep discovering more photos I shot with negative/positive film and then scanned.  So I think I will have a never-ending supply to post here.  Without further adieu, here are my selections for this post.

The above photo was taken under the giant (and famous) fig tree along US 101 in Santa Barbara.  Probably late 1980s although it could have been taken today.

A lake outside of Phoenix, Arizona, 1970s.

Ocean Front Walk at Venice Beach - early 1980s.

The bottom photo was part of something that was being filmed - on Ocean Front Walk at Venice Beach, near the basketball courts.


World-Renowned Vaccinologist Publishes Paper Admitting Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies.  I mentioned this in my last post but this is a more detailed look at vaccine "safety."  And in case you missed my past  vaccine posts on this blog, check out this week's The Highwire.  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

A New Blog Post with Old Photos & New Comments

The hardest part of these blog posts is knowing what to say in the title.  Some of you may be wondering why I switched from posts on FB to blog posts here.  It's because I can add links here that my FB memories have shown as missing, plus too many ads and other things popping up on my timeline.  Here are the new old photos for this week.  Hope you enjoy them as well as the comments.

A cutout of Reagan and a beautiful young local Venice girl named Jana.  Having photographed many models, I used to tell her she should go into modeling.  I don't know if that influenced her but she became a top model.  A wonderful person and a beautiful model.  You never know who you might meet along Ocean Front Walk at Venice Beach.

Joey the Clown - along Ocean Front Walk, Venice Beach, early to mid 1980s.  

Some fun at KABC - the girl delivered birthday telegrams.  Those kinds of telegram companies were a big thing in the 1980s.  I wonder if they still are?

LAPD beach patrol officer in front of the old Venice Beach Pavilion, early 1980s.  I used to have some nice conversations with him.  I heard he had quit the LAPD and went into teaching.

In the mid 1980s I drove a Limo for a company called Limo, Limo, Limo.  Here are two of my passengers in the back of the limo, the one on the left raised show horses in FL, and the one on the right was a weather girl for a TV station at the time.

Finally, for this week, a photo from a movie set in Santa Monica.  I don't know if that girl was posing for me or I just got a lucky shot but either way, love the result.


So much has happened over the past couple of weeks, from the attempted assassination of Trump to Biden not seeking re-election, and Harris being the nominee now.  Plus the Crowdstrike software upgrade caused computer systems worldwide to malfunction.  If my computer does that, I have an older backup computer.  Why didn't they have a backup computer system?

The above facts are probably the only truthful things in the news, other than perhaps local accidents and things of that nature.  Unfortunately, the lies are coming fast and furious from the mainstream media.  If it involves health, politics, environment, immigration, etc., whatever the news says is happening, it's most likely the opposite.  What can you do?  Think critically, do your own research from neutral experts, observe, don't believe the news, and use common sense.  

What does Dr. Henry Plotkin (the Godfather of vaccines, as he is known, and author of the textbook on vaccines) say about their safety, under oath?  Watch The Highwire to learn the truth about vaccines from those who wrote the book on it.  Pretty much what I've been saying on this blog for the past 9 years.

Also, this doctor and I are in complete agreement.  Click to hear what he has to say.  Only 2 minutes, 40 seconds.