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Saturday, October 12, 2024

More Old & New Photos...and Comments, of course.

 Most of my photos have a story attached to them.  Hope you enjoy these and this week more than others, I hope you will at least check out the first comment.

This photo was shot somewhere in California.  I was in the mood to explore a place I had never been so just started driving toward the mountains.  I ended up at an altitude of 9200 feet.  I have no idea where I was, LOL.  The next day I went to some caverns on the way to Sequoia.

I'm still wondering what happened between Chaplin & Hoffa one night, LOL.

The girl above was in a movie being filmed and was nice enough to let me shoot some photos of her.

Another movie filming in Santa Monica in from of the Sea Castle in the 1980's.  

I think this is of the caverns on the way to Sequoia mentioned above.

Probably from the early 1980's - a local Venice Beach girl.


Just watched this week's The Highwire with an interview with Naomi Wolf about her new book (The Pfizer Papers - you can check it out HERE and watch her interview).  It's about Pfizer's research documents on the C0v!d V, 450,000-pages of their own studies by a team of 3,000 doctors.  Those documents were obtained from the FDA, which means they knew everything Pfizer knew!  And yet, knowing what they know, they are still promoting it for all.

I have a feeling this would never have stayed up on the site referenced.  This all ties together with the mis, dis, mal, or whatever else they want to claim about information when they are the ones guilty of doing what they say others are doing.  Which is why Free Speech is extremely important.  There are those who want to end it so that you can't refute their lies.  Please watch The Highwire, Episode 392.  And for the collaboration between the CDC and ____________, Click this link.   Without free speech. none of this info would be available.  You would never know the truth.  All the lies they told related to c0v!d?  How dangerous would that be?  How dangerous has it been?

About 10 years ago I started researching vaxxes.  I was lucky - there was still truthful information available and easy to find.  That, in addition to my education in nutrition and supplements, and I did exactly the right stuff.  And had no worries about c0v!d.

NOTE:  The Highwire and ICAN are two of the most honest and trusted sources of information.  In the extremely rare instance when they have made a mistake, they have corrected it.  They list all of their sources and where they have gotten their information.  All their facts are verifiable.

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