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Monday, November 14, 2016

Your Health and Freedom

The elections are over - Finally!  Some love the results, and some hate them, but they can't be changed, so time to move on and think about what is most important in your life and what can be done to make it better.  For me, health is number one.  If that is also a major concern for you, then the FDA, CDC, Department of Agriculture, and any agencies that affect our health need to be reformed and corruption needs to be eliminated from those agencies.

The U.S. is only one of two countries that allow drug companies to advertise (the other being New Zealand).  About 109,000 people die each year in the U.S. from properly prescribed prescription drugs, and at least some of those deaths are no doubt a result of this advertising policy.  Here is an article about just one class of drugs (pain killers) - Link.  The other problem with allowing this advertising is that the drug companies, for all practical purposes, dictate what the media can report on regarding their products.  When was the last time you saw a negative comment about vaccines in the media?  Go to the internet, and you'll find plenty.

I've covered vaccinations in great detail on this blog over the past year (I've spent hundreds of hours researching this subject).  They are responsible for untold injuries and deaths (literally untold, in many cases), but instead of making them safe or voluntary, the opposite is being done - making them mandatory and they are definitely not safe (regardless of what you hear in the media or from most doctors, and especially pediatricians, not to mention the drug companies themselves).  A big reason for that is that the drug companies are not liable when it comes to vaccinations, nor are those who inject innocent children with the toxins that they contain.  No studies have been done on multiple vaccines given at one time, which means the government is allowing or forcing medical experiments on people, which goes against the Nuremberg Code and medical ethics.  It is a human rights violation and loss of freedom.  Let me repeat this - Medical Experimentation on citizens and Loss of Freedom - what, when, or where does that remind you of?

The U.S. has the highest infant mortality of any developed nation (perhaps due to vaccinations?). Autism has become an epidemic, going from less than 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s to about 1 in 50 now.   About our life expectancy and health - check the statistics on this and you'll see at least 30-35 countries do better than the U.S.  Why?  Corruption at the FDA and CDC, which push vaccines and drugs, plus other corrupt government agencies which allow (promote?) pollution, pesticides, fluoride in our water, poor diets with more chemicals, etc.  It's surprising we live as long as we do.  And if we factor out smoking, cancer rates are rising, and more cancers are happening at a younger age.

What about medicine?  This Link of statistics should give you something to think about before your next doctor or hospital visit.

Sometime in my next few posts I will give a list of some new links.  It is my hope that you will do some research from independent sources and from the many links I have posted.

The following is a little off-topic, perhaps, but something to think about.

Did you know the U.S. has the highest percent of its population in prison than any other country, except for Seychelles.  Here is a link to a Chart showing that.   Shouldn't someone try to figure out why this is and make some changes?  Could it be partially caused by drugs and vaccines that damage our central nervous system?

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