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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Freedom, Vaccines, and Health

If you look up the definition of Freedom, you will find these two things, among many others:  1.  The power, or right, to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint; 2.  the state of not being subject to or affected by (a particular undesirable thing).

Unfortunately, there are two freedoms we are losing or have lost.  In the case of supplements, for example, you cannot say that a particular supplement will heal you or cure you from any affliction, even if the science and anecdotal evidence has shown that it does.  And when vaccines are made mandatory, they violate definition one and two above and we are no longer free in America - you will have lost your FREEDOM.  It doesn't matter if you are Pro-vaccine, Anti-vaccine, or somewhere in the middle - it's not about pro or anti vaccine, it is about Freedom.  Once you lose the freedom to decide what toxins can be injected into your body, what other freedoms may go?  It doesn't matter to me if you want to get vaccinated or not - I hope you will choose after becoming fully informed of the dangers and benefits by researching from independent sources (from those who have nothing to gain one way or the other).  I have done several hundred hours of research and have come to my conclusion, and have posted many links to independent sites from immunologists, doctors, scientists, and researchers, among others, including sites to people whose children have been adversely affected by vaccines, up to and including death.  If a mandated medical procedure (experiment) can cause permanent injury or loss of life to you or your loved ones, it sure seems like that can be categorized as a loss of Freedom.

If you are one of those who believe vaccines are for the greatest good, please read the Link to this article about the Greatest Good.  If everything was defined by the greatest good, why aren't we hearing about mandatory healthy nutrition, about the benefits of supplements for the immune system, about eliminating all the environmental toxins, or about reforming the medical profession (which is either the first or third leading cause of death in the U.S. - see this Link for death statistics.), etc.

Speaking of the greatest good - let's look at the Pertussis (Whooping Cough) vaccine.  They are advertising it on TV, and mandating it in California (and other places) for children.  But if you go to the CDC site, you can see that those who get the recommended series of vaccines for Pertussis get Pertussis about 4.5 times more than non vaccinated children.  I wonder how they explain that increasing Pertussis by 450% is for the greater good?  Here's the chart for 2013 (and 2014 which is even worse).  Look at the bottom right chart.  By signing the vaccine law, the governor of California has mandated that there will be more cases of Pertussis?  That's why the CDC chart says.  For Mumps, almost everyone who has been getting that has been vaccinated for that - I don't have the exact figure offhand, but somewhere around 87% if I remember.  Let's not forget, besides increasing the likelihood of getting the disease, you also open yourself to the side effects.

About vaccines and autism - you should really listen to District Attorney Nico LaHood and wife Davida tell the story of their son and daughter's vaccine injury - He is the criminal district attorney in San Antonio, TX.  We need more people like him - he knows how to research and investigate.

Some more links to read or listen to:
The Effect of Aluminum in Vaccines on Humans | Chris Shaw, PhD
World Health Organization Publishes Strategies For EU Healthcare Professionals To Convince Vaccine Deniers Vaccines Are Safe - if they were safe, no one would need convincing.  In fact, if they were safe and effective, people would be lining up, and the vaccine makers would have no problem with liability.  But even the Supreme Court of the U.S. has called them Unavoidably Unsafe.  And released the makers from any liability.  SAFE?  You decide.  If you decide they are not safe, then you know you are being lied to by the vaccine makers, the medical profession, the media, and the government.  So you really need to do your research (again, from independent sources) and stop listening to those who tell you they are safe.

You can start by looking at the vaccine inserts - the ones in the vaccine box - the ones that list all the side effects, safety studies (well, there probably aren't any of those), and all the ingredients.  And then some of the links I've posted here and on past blog posts.

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