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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Vaccines and "The Science is Settled"

What is Science?  The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Regarding vaccine safety they always use the phrase, "the science is settled."  Anyone who studies science would know the science is never settled.  NEVER!  It is always changing based on new observations.  So that statement is a contradiction in terms.  What is settled is that a certain percent of people will die or be injured from vaccines.  As the U.S. Supreme Count has said, vaccines are "Unavoidably Unsafe."

What are some observations regarding vaccines and their studies?  Well, one is that if you vaccinate someone with a particular vaccine, and then with a "placebo" that contains some or all the same toxins, you'll see the same amount of injuries and deaths, and the conclusion that will be made is that the vaccine is no worse than a placebo.  Wait, what?  Exactly!  Sort of like if you smashed your thumb with a hammer, so you used a different brand hammer and also smashed your thumb and then came to the conclusion that the hammer was totally safe.  Your thumb must have spontaneously smashed itself.

Another observation is that if you disregard parts of your study that disagree with what you are looking for, and you later throw out those data, your study with confirm what you wanted it to.  See the movie, Vaxxed.

Next observation - if someone gets a series of vaccines, and then gets brain injured, autistic, or dies, they will tell you it can't possibly be the vaccine (it was "just a coincidence"), although they have paid out over $3 billion in claims against vaccines, including for autism.  Like they will really pay you if the vaccine didn't cause the problem?  They only pay about 1/3 of the claims, and most people don't even know to file.

What about all the studies telling you how safe vaccines are?  When your child becomes brain injured or dies after a vaccination, then you'll know about the fraud involved with the studies.  Unfortunately, then it will be a bit too late.  Again, go see the movie, Vaxxed.

What is better than reading all the so called studies?  It's really pretty easy, yet no one will do it - compare vaccinated populations with  not vaccinated populations and see which is healthier.  Also compare the most vaccinated countries with the least vaccinated countries, that have equal cleanliness clean drinking water, and good hygiene, and see where they are ranked for health and longevity.  And autism.  A few people in other countries have done these comparisons, and many have posted online, about how much healthier are those who are not vaccinated.

What I really don't understand is this:  the odds of winning the Mega Millions Lotto Jackpot is 1 in 258, 890, 850 (you would have a better chance of not knowing where someone you needed to locate lived anywhere in the U.S., but finding that person at the first home you went to anywhere in any state in the U.S.), but everyone thinks they'll win.  The odds of getting vaccine injured is probably 1 in 200, and people figure it won't happen to them.  I've used 1 in 200 based on everything I've read and researched (VAERS database, anecdotal evidence, etc.), but even if it is 1 in 10,000, if it happens to your child, does that really matter?

If you listen to all those who make money and profit from vaccines, those who have conflicts of interest, you'll believe they are the best thing since _________________ .  But if you research for yourself from independent sources, you'll know that is a lie that may cost your child (or you) his/her life or lifelong injuries.  And until the makers of vaccines are held accountable and liable, they will never be safe.  And the science will never be settled!

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