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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why Photography

Have you ever looked at an old family photo and were instantly brought back to that time and place (figuratively speaking, of course and assuming you were there when it was taken)?  For example, here is one of me that was shot many years ago by my mother at Roslyn Park, NY.  Whenever I look at it, I vividly remember that day.

Besides beautiful memories for you, others will remember how you looked at that time.  Imagine what else it can do for you.  For example, for women, if it is done right, it can celebrate your unique beauty, tell your story, give you more confidence in yourself, help you feel more feminine, more empowered, sexier, and perhaps see a side of yourself that you never knew existed.  That sounds like a lot, but if you know someone (or if you've had a session done to perfection) who has been changed by a glamour/beauty portrait, you'll know it's true.

You probably have seen magazines covers and photos and thought, "wouldn't it be nice if I looked like that!"  Well, every woman is beautiful and with the right photographer and makeup, she can.  Many top models look just like someone you would see walking along and not really notice, at least not until they've had their makeup professionally done, the right lighting and pose, and the right photographer shoot their photo.  Here is a photo of a young woman who became a model and was on the cover of several magazines, including Elle.  I shot the top photo (a snapshot - unplanned and not posed) at Venice Beach.

Here she is on the cover of Elle (not shot by me):

Can you look like a magazine cover?  Most likely.  How would that make you feel?  Wouldn't it be nice to show your kids when they grow up, and your grand kids?  The photo below of my mother was shot by me in the 1970s - she had done her own makeup.  I may be biased, but I think she could have been on a magazine cover in this photo.

The point is - a well done photo can do wonders for your life and how you feel about yourself.  Not to mention how your children and grandchildren and other family members will remember you.

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