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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Media, CDC, WHO - Scare Tactics, Lies, and Misinformation

Every day I'm learning something new about Covid-19, the flu, and the lies in the news.  I'm sure most people are aware that according to the news reports each year flu deaths are somewhere between 40,000-70,000.  This year, through April 25, they are at 5,846 from the CDC website.  This makes me wonder how many flu deaths are being reported as Covid-19.  See below for why I am wondering this (about the CDC guidelines for reporting Covid-19).  Also, as of April 25, the total Covid-19 deaths (which is no doubt padded with those missing flu deaths along with other URI's) was 37,308 (54,256 was reported in the news on that date).  Don't believe it?  Here's a chart from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS):

I read today that the news gets their numbers from Worldometer Coronavirus US.  I wonder why that is.  Could it be for ratings and to scare people?

Also in the news, they were interviewing someone about Covid-19.  The interviewer asked what about people who don't want to get vaccinated.  At first, the answer sounded like it might be reasonable.  The person said they are mostly well-educated people but they go on the internet and find misinformation.  That seems like a contradiction.  I'm well educated, I know when I see misinformation.  How?  I've either investigated it already or I will.  Then I find the truth.  That is what well-educated people do.  I've researched vaccines for the past 5 years.  The CDC claims they are safe.  Here is what I found:
1.  U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) said they were "Unavoidably Unsafe."  Does SCOTUS give out misinformation?  It was for that reason all liability was removed from the makers of vaccines.
2.  Over $4.2 Billion has been paid out by VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) for vaccine injuries.  Only about 33% who file win their cases.  Most people never heard about the program.  Most doctors deny the adverse reaction so most people never know to file.
3.  If you go to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) you'll find hundreds of thousands of injuries and deaths from vaccines.  A study was done by Harvard Pilgrim over a three year period and the conclusion showed that only about 1% of injuries get reported to VAERS.
4.  There have never been any Gold Standard safety studies of vaccines.  Not one has ever used an inert placebo.  Even now, the Oxford study for the Covid-19 vaccine is using the Meningitis vaccine as their "placebo."  That vaccine has killed more people than meningitis does.  No doubt the Covid-19 vaccine will be found to be safe.  With that kind of "study", they may as well just say it's safe and save some money.  Would you want that injected into you?  I don't.  Remember, once it's injected, it can be un-injected.
5.  If vaccines are effective, why make them mandatory?  You get it, you are protected (of course, that is not true but that is what they want you to believe).  Well, what about the immune-compromised?  With some vaccines, you can still be an asymptomatic carrier of the disease and not know, so you become a stealth carrier and can give it to them.  If they are effective, how did outbreaks of mumps happen aboard a navy ship and a college campus where 100% were vaccinated?

Who is misinformed?  Maybe I should have said, WHO is misinformed, ha ha.  Well, back to the interview on the news.  The scare tactics.  The interviewee was talking about some possible new Covid-19 strain that is even worse than the current one going around (not sure if it was new or mutated - if mutated, then the vaccine wouldn't do much good anyway).  He then went on to say if you get it you might suffer "a horrible death."  People can suffer a horrible death from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, car accidents, other accidents, etc.  So should we outlaw everything and just stop living?  It almost seems like that is what they want.  Be afraid, be very afraid, so that way you'll do anything they tell you.  Unfortunately, that fear is killing people - Some people might need cancer treatment, have a heart attack or other heart problem, diabetes, and any number of things that they normally would go to the hospital for, but now they are too scared to leave their home and/or go to a hospital where they might catch Covid-19.  I heard on the news, too, that some hospitals have "Do Not Resuscitate" orders because of Covid-19.

Did you hear about the New York health department order, backed up by the governor, to house Covid-19 patients released from the hospital in nursing homes?  The last death toll I heard from that order was 3,500.  Updated May 11, 2020 - At least 28,100 residents and workers have died from the coronavirus at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States, according to a New York Times database (See article here). The virus so far has infected more than 153,000 at some 7,700 facilities.  I wonder how many others were the result of health department mandates?  Today in the news a doctor said how unlikely it was to get infected while you are out in the fresh air, that any exposure to the virus would be so small that your immune system would fight it off.  The very next thing he said, when asked about masks, was that everyone should wear them when going out.  But according to many virologists, immunologists, and doctors, they can also harm the health of those wearing them and weaken the immune system which is the last thing you would want.  Confused?  You should be when health departments, the CDC, the WHO, doctors, scientists, etc., all disagree on what is best and make decisions that are killing people.  The only thing everyone seems to agree on is that you need a good healthy immune system to fight the virus.  None of the "official" sources of information will tell you how to achieve that.  In fact, they will censor and/or block any information that does tell you how.  They even attack and discredit those who attempt to tell you.  If you scroll down to my post on what I do to stay healthy, then research each item I mention, you just may save yourself from ill-health.

I have no doubt the daily statistics on the news are lies.  Why?  First, they said Covid-19 was killing 3-4% of those infected.  Now we know it's less than 1%.  That was because the number of cases was a lot higher than reported.  Next came the CDC Covid-19 Guidelines.  The last paragraph of the guidelines says, "COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death."  I read that hospitals are being paid $13,000 for each Covid-19 patient they treat, plus $39,000 if they go on a ventilator.  I'm guessing a lot of hospitals are telling their doctors to assume that whatever URI (Upper Respiratory Infection, such as influenza, flu-like illness, pneumonia unrelated to Covid-19, etc. ) someone died from, list it as Covid-19 - they would, after all, be following CDC guidelines.  In addition, the normal death rate when on a ventilator is 50%, but if someone has Covid-19, the death rate goes up to 80-90%.  I'll leave the logic and common sense to you.  I doubt we'll ever know the actual number of deaths from Covid-19.

Perhaps the worst misinformation of all is that if it is not a drug or a vaccine, it's misinformation.  Anything natural that probably would save most lives lost to Covid-19 is either censored or labeled misinformation.  That they are doing that is sickening (literally and figuratively).  Someone the other day even attacked my post for sharing the following:  Augmenting Your Immunity.  After you read the page at this link, click his bio in the "About" menu at the top - it is impeccable (Harvard Medical School graduate and MIT graduate, and founder of the Xprize, plus much more).  Here's his photo for those interested (it's from his website, I didn't shoot it).

You probably also won't hear on the news that one of the groups at highest risk for poor outcomes with Covid-19 are those who are obese.  This virus should be a wake-up call for most people to start taking better care of themselves, which they should do anyway.  I realize there are some people who have health problems they have no control over, but most have a choice.  Choose wisely - it may save your life.  And start investigating what you hear in the news as much of it is fake.  Please check my prior posts for more information about vaccine, Covid-19, and how to have the best chance to stay healthy (I agree with Dr. Diamandis's Augmenting Your Immunity).

The following has been added on May 11, 2020:
"Jan. 26, 2018
This year’s flu season is now more intense than any since the 2009 swine flu pandemic and still getting worse, federal health officials said on Friday.
Nationally, the number of people falling ill with flu is increasing. More worrying, the hospitalization rate — a predictor of the death rate — has just jumped.
It is now on track to equal or surpass that of the 2014-2015 flu season. In that year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates, 34 million Americans got the flu, 710,000 were hospitalized and about 56,000 died.
Here's a link to the 2017-2018 flu season:… - you can see the chart from that CDC link below.

And a chart from the Washington Post (from the CDC) showing flu deaths from 2013 to 2020. Where did those 56,000 deaths disappear to in 2014-2015 and the 61,099 deaths for the 2017- 2018 flu season? From the chart it looks like the real numbers of deaths were around 9000 and 17000 respectively.

One has to wonder, and I certainly do wonder, how much Covid-19 numbers are also inflated. It looks like the media inflated the flu by about a factor of 6. And there were no lock downs, no masks, no social distancing, and no destruction of the economy.
One more statistic - daily deaths in the U.S. in 2019 from all causes was 7,969. Shouldn't they force everyone to eat healthy, outlaw obesity, outlaw driving, swimming pools, and everything else that could result in death, and just make everyone stay home. Imagine all the lives that would be saved.everyone to eat healthily, outlaw obesity, outlaw driving, swimming pools, and everything else that could result in death, and just make everyone stay home. Imagine all the lives that would be saved.

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