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Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Mass Casualty Event and Latest Episode of The HIghwire

This started out as short post with only two links (Well, it's a few days later and I'm adding another link):

Newest Link - This link is to Dr. Rashid Buttar hosting a doctor's Covid-19 roundtable with about a160 diverse group of doctors from around the world giving their input into questions regarding face masks, social distancing, effects of 5G on your immune system, and other Covid-19 questions.  Just like the moderator I was amazed at the consensus of all those doctors.  There are those who attack Dr. Buttar outside this roundtable, but almost all of the 160 doctors here agree with him.  If you think everything they are doing for Covid-19 is good, then you need to watch this for another point of view and the reasons why many do not agree with current policies.

The first one is a letter signed by over 500 physicians on why we need to open the country now.  Here is the Link.

The second one is The Highwire, May 21, 2020 episode with an interview with Alan Dershowitz along with 10 reasons why not to be CoronaPhobic - and can be seen HERE.  Everything, as always, is backed up by science.

Before you criticize anyone for wanting to open the country, for not wearing a mask or anything else related to Covid-19, please read and/or listen to each of the links.  If you disagree, please do the research, not from government doctors, the mainstream media, or the drug companies, but from independent sources without conflicts of interest assuming you are after the truth.  For lots more info, just scroll down to previous posts.

I told you this one would be short.  Well, the above portion is.  But I do have to add a couple of other things.

I don't understand what people don't understand about face masks (other than they are blindly following whatever the fake news media and the corrupt CDC tells them).  Two South Korean studies showed they do not stop outgoing viral particles from leaving and also showed they contaminate the inside and outside of the mask.  A study in the U.S. with surgeons showed they lower your blood oxygen levels (exactly what you don't want as that is what the virus also does).  Plus you are concentrating your own viral load by inhaling the viruses you exhaled into your nasal passages and lungs.  Wearing one blocks your airflow which causes stress, thus increasing cortisol levels (which weakens the immune system), and finally, aerosol particles go right through it along with the virus you were trying to block.  Why wear it - about the only thing it might do is block some of the bigger droplets from escaping if you cough or sneeze while sick, and then you shouldn't have been out and about anyway. But this is really the wrong conversation - we should be talking about how to keep your immune system optimized to lessen your odds of getting any virus and also lessening your odds of a severe reaction to any of them.  Bottom line:  Many more reasons not to wear one than to wear one.  Look at what they wear in hospitals - their face masks are much better than what you might be wearing, and they are still getting sick.  The CDC, Fauci, the surgeon general, etc. have flip-flopped on this, the last I heard the WHO said not to wear them (although they may have changed by now, too), and the research shows the dangers of wearing them.

How anyone can trust the so-called public health officials is beyond me after they mandated nursing homes and care centers take in those still sick with Covid-19.  Now thirty percent of all deaths in the U.S. from Covid-19 are in those places.  Instead of protecting them from Covid, they exposed them.  What they are trying to sell to you as the "New Normal" is Abnormal.

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