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Friday, February 5, 2016

Why I Started Researching and Writing About Vaccines

A year ago, I knew close to nothing about vaccines, nor the vaccine schedule.  I had no idea what was about to happen as a result of the Disneyland measles outbreak.  Nor that a friend would post on my FB news feed that those who didn't vaccinate were callously stupid (which I didn't think that was a very nice thing to say about others).  I felt that people must have reasons for not vaccinating, so started researching.  And what I found astounded me - lies, deceptions, conflicts of interest, foinding out that the majority of studies were lies, and about the dangers of getting vaccinated.  And that vaccines cause injuries and death, more than the diseases they are meant to prevent.  Yet, the only thing you will ever hear in the mainstream media is this:  there is no link between vaccines and autism, the science is settled.  They must think that if they can show that vaccines don't cause autism, then vaccines are safe.  They ignore the fact that as the number of vaccines has increased dramatically, so has autism over the same time period, going from 1 in 10,000 to now 1 in 45.

Besides the parallel increase in vaccines and autism, there are all the anecdotal reports and observations - if you've researched at all, you must have heard the parents who said, "My child got vaccinated and was never the same." It was at or very shortly after being vaccinated that the child's autistic symptoms started (did it cause it or activate in?  Does it matter which?).  These reports come from hundreds, if not thousands, of parents.  Parents who know their children and see that change happen after vaccination.  So those who are pro-vaxx, and the companies that make them, they narrow it down to one cause, one ingredient, and one effect, then prove through fraudulent studies that it wasn't the vaccine, so all vaccines are safe.  They leave out that many vaccines still contain mercury, even when not listed - it shows up when they are analyzed by labs.  They don't mention the other neurotxoins - aluminum, MSG, etc.  And they never tell you about the deaths and injuries.  They don't tell you polysorbate 80 will get the ingredients to cross the blood brain barrier and into your brain.  All you do hear on TV, radio, etc., is get vaccinated, get this one done.

Do you remember when Ephedra was blamed for killing several people (due to overdoses)?  It was all over the news and the product was taken off the market.  You can't get it anywhere any more.  But vaccines that have killed well over 6,000 people since 2000 (perhaps 6,000 plus per year and hundreds of thousands of  E.R. visits), no mention of even one of those deaths or injuries on the news (Here's my post with the numbers of deaths and injuries from VAERS and CDC).  Not only have they not taken them off the market, they're trying to make them mandatory, and have for children in California and one or two other states.

The pro-vaxx people tell you that you're not a doctor or scientist, you don't have a degree in these things, so you know nothing.  You may as well say that if your friend goes out, gets hit by a bus, and dies, the cause of death could be any number of things.  You're not a doctor, you have no degree in the science of impacts on the human body, so you can't say what killed your friend.  That's how ridiculous that argument is.  There have been cases when someone has dies within 4 hours of getting vaccinated and the cause of death is given as "undetermined."  But if you blame the vaccine, they'll call you anti-science, quack, a pseudo-scientist, an anti-vaxx fanatic and more, and even accuse your kids, if not vaccinated, of trying to kill their kids.  They'll say if anything happens to their kids because you didn't vaccinate yours, then you are responsible.  I have yet to hear from anyone whether they are responsible and blame themselves if your kid gets sick or dies from the vaccination that they forced on you, the same vaccines that have killed more children than the diseases they are meant to prevent.  And in the case of pertussis, besides the deaths and injuries, the vaccine at 3+ doses, which is recommended, is causing around 3.5 times more cases of pertussis than if you hadn't got vaccinated at all.  I don't need a degree to read the charts and see the statistics (although I do have one).

About degrees - first you get a B.S. degree (and we all know what B.S. is), than an M.S. (More of the Same), and then a PhD (Piled Higher and Deeper).  Aside from this, all you really need to know how to do is find the sources of information that were written by independent experts (in this case, immunolgists, vaccinologists, neurotoxicity of heavy metals, etc.).  The word "independent" is the key word - those without conflict of interest or who profit from a particular position on a subject.

In short, it is my belief and that of many others, that those who produce vaccines really have no idea how the immune system works, and therefore vaccines are an experiment, and definitely a medical procedure.  They will tell you it's for the greater good, but as the statistics show, it's not for your greater good, nor the greater good of the general population, unless we're talking about the greater good for the drug companies (and those they support) bottom lines.  Forced vaccination is a human rights violation, goes against the Nuremberg Code, The Belmont Report (from HHS), and several other world conventions.

Voluntary and informed vaccines are one thing.  Mandatory and forced vaccines are something else.  It is the opposite of FREEDOM!  And if they can force a medical procedure and experiment on you, then they can force anything on you.  Therefore, anyone who supports mandatory and forced vaccination is taking away your FREEDOM.  If they are in office, they should be voted out of office.  Otherwise, in the not too distant future, the U.S. will be indistinguishable from Russia, China, Nazi Germany, etc.

In previous posts, I've supplied statistics, and links to probably 100 sites or so.  And some of those sites have additional links.  If, after doing your research, and reading the actual package inserts that come in the vaccine box, you think vaccines are safe and actually work, I have no problem if you get vaccinated.  As for me, until they actually proven safe and effective, which I doubt will happen in my lifetime, no thank you.  Just read this from an Orange County, California Pediatrician M.D. about why mandatory vaccines are bad:  Link - Think you'll find it interesting.

And the latest about the Zika virus and Brazil.  To be honest, I don't know how accurate this is as it is all pretty new, but this is what I have read.  Brazil requires all pregnant women to get the TDaP vaccination since 2014, around the same time microcephaly started happening there (one of the side effects listed is microcephaly).  The Zika virus has been around for at least 70 years.  They also have the highest use of pesticides and herbacides, many of which are banned in other countries, even the U.S.  But do you hear any of this on the news?  Nope, they are trying to blame the Zika virus only.  So what's the cause?  You can probably bet what it won't be attributed to, regardless of the cause.  If it turns out not to be the virus, then it will probably remain a puzzle.  Just the same, they'll probably come out with a vaccine for something related to it (just heard this - a vaccine could be ready in 4 months).  Here's the latest link with some statistics:  Link.  Just heard on the evening news that you shouldn't drink any alcohol when pregnant.  It used to be no drugs, either.  But now, they want you to get vaccines, which are drugs with known (and unknown) side effects.

Every time I think I've exhausted the information available about vaccinations, I find something new.  New anecdotal evidence, new studies, new doctors or scientists coming forward with the dangers, etc.  However, comparisons of vaccinated to unvaccinated populations and comparisons of vaccine deaths and injuries vs deaths from the diseases they are for says pretty much all you should need to know.  But more important than your decision to vaccinate or not is your freedom of choice regarding medical intervention/procedure and medical experimentation, because without that freedom, there is no freedom.  Not when those can cost you or your loved ones their health and their life, with no way to know beforehand what the outcome may be, except that a certain percent will have the unlucky number (Russian Roulette, lotto with your life?).  That number is a lot higher than reported.  Keep in mind, too, that we have no idea of the long term consequences or damage.  Could it cause Alzheimers, cancer, asthma, allergies, other auto-immune disorders, etc., and when?  Five years, or 45 years from now?

I believe the best possible offense against disease is a strong immune system through a healthy diet (one with mostly organic whole foods, no chemicals, nothing artificial, no sugar, etc.), the right supplements, and exercise.  Every time people fool with mother nature, seems to me they lose.  It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature!

Barring any news flashes, I think in the future I will only refer to these past posts.  I think I've said all I can say on this subject.  So more photography and photos in the future here.  As always, to your health and happiness.

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