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Monday, June 10, 2024

New Photos, Old Photos, & Artsy Photos Plus the Usual Comments

 I played 5 sets of paddle tennis yesterday (June 9) at the Venice Beach courts.  The last two sets were against Alli (pictures in the first 3 images below) and Sam.  Very enjoyable sets that could have gone either way with perhaps a couple fewer mistakes or a couple more winners on either side.  There were no disagreements on line calls and everyone was having a good time.  The photo of Alli and the artistic variations are from a few days earlier.

Below are more photos from the scanned negatives from the late 1970s to early 1980s.

I think the skaters below were shot in Hermosa or Manhattan Beach in the late 1970s.


If you like to stock up on food and get good prices on organic items, click this LINK to Country Life Foods and get an extra 10% discount  (I receive a $5 store credit when you order).  They had the best price that I was able to find on the following organic items: sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, raisins, coconut date rolls, and honey.  They have hundreds of other items (not all are organic).  Shipping is free over $99 order.

If you want truthful comments and news, watch The Highwire, especially as related to your health.  If you are not familiar with the WHO Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations, you need to learn about them.  It may make the last four years of mandates look like a vacation in comparison to what they could do if those things pass and the U.S. signs them.

By now you must know that everything broadcast on the news (MSM = Mainstream Media)) over the past 4 years was a lie.  If they blatantly lied about all of that why would anyone believe anything they report on now?

I don't know how many of you remember when I reported a few years ago that the C0v!d shot wasn't a Vaccine (until the CDC changed the official definition to make it fit).  What?  This was just filed from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on June 7 .

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