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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

More Memorial Day Photos...and New Comments

 In addition to some more Memorial Day photos, I saw this G.O.A.T. armored vehicle by the paddle tennis courts at Venice Beach.  When I got home, I looked it up online and found it's street-legal in all 50 states and costs only $400K.  17,000 pounds!  The owner shot the photos with me in them.

Some more photos from Memorial Day.


“WE ARE THE CHANGE” RALLY IN GENEVA - This rally was in response to the proposed W.H.O. worldwide treaty, which thankfully failed.  Had it passed and had the U.S. signed it, it would have overruled our Constitution.  All the "health" measures they mandated over the past four years could have been mandated by the WHO at any time.  It's a long video, so you may want to skip around a bit. Especially watch the 3-hour, 4-minute mark with two expert whistle-blowers on mask usage (they are the ones who train the trainers).

The weekly The Highwire has lots of great information.  These are things they won't tell you on the evening news.  They don't want you to know the following lies they told you:

1.  The six-foot distance would stop the spread and protect you

2.  Masks would stop the spread and protect you

3.  Lockdowns would stop the spread and protect you

4.  Vaccines would stop the spread and protect you 

5.  Ivermectin is only a horse dewormer and has no effect on C0V!d

6.  Natural immunity is inferior to vax immunity

7.  Etc.

On the other hand, TheHighwire, independent doctors, scientists, immunologists, epidemiologists, vaccinologists, and common sense told me the truth.  My education in nutrition and supplements kept me healthy.  I've listed some of those doctors & scientists in prior posts.  This article explains what the WHO wants to do as well as the damage their protocols caused.

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