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Friday, May 10, 2024

Some Photos...Followed by Common Sense Comments

 Along with recent photos I'll be posting photos from the late 1970s and 1980s in this post and future posts.  The old photos were shot with a Nikon FTn and film.  The newer photos were shot with a variety of digital cameras and some with a Pixel 4 phone.  Most will be from Venice Beach and Santa Monica.  Some older ones were shot at Hermosa & Manhattan Beach.  All of them will be processed with my new favorite software - ON1 Photot Raw 2024.4.  The photos below were shot in Hermosa Beach.  The girl was an actress from a movie they were filming, on a break who was nice enough to pose for me.

The original photo after scanning the negative

Same photo after replacing the sky and making some other adjustments with ON1

Original photo after scanning the negative

Two variations with ON1 - replaced the sky, removed the other people

As always, The Highwire is a must-watch.  Why?  Remember when Chris Cuomo called Ivermectin horse de-wormer (not to mention all the others who did the same)?  This episode shows that news clip.  It also shows another news clip interview of him saying he now takes what?  Ivermectin.  Why?  Health problems related to the vax.

Common Sense and Masks

Fauci, with 40+ years of experience, said masks might make you feel safer but would do nothing to stop transmission or the spread of the virus.  Then he changed his comments.  Common sense would tell you after 40+ years of study, was he wrong all those years?  Why would anyone listen to anything he said if his science was that bad for 40 years?  All people needed to do was pay attention to what the news was saying...not the lies, but the other stuff.  It didn't matter where masks were mandated, the virus surged either way.  It was easy to look up online.  In fact, if masks worked, and were mandated, the pandemic would have ended in a few weeks.  Common sense

Common Sense and the Vax

Remember when they said if you didn't get the vax, you might kill grandma?  Same with wearing a mask.  Common sense should have told everyone that if they both worked there was no reason for both.  Make believe that the vax stopped people from getting the virus and stopped the spread as claimed.  That would mean that if you got the vax you were protected.  If you were protected it wouldn't matter what anyone else did.  Yet all the idiot night show hosts, celebrities, and the mass media people (like Rachel Maddow, etc.), were shaming those who didn't get the vax or who didn't wear a mask.  Common sense should have told people they were uninformed, idiots, and/or liars.  If the remedies worked, the only ones who could be harmed by the virus are those who didn't get it.  So all grandma had to do was wear a mask to be safe...or get the shot.  If they didn't work what would be the point of getting them?

I haven't mentioned the harm these interventions have caused.  No one knows what long-term problems may be caused - no long-term studies were done.  But I see in the news that more and more people are dying suddenly.  

Common Sense and Six Foot Distancing

So when you are 6' away from someone, the virus will hit a wall or suddenly die?  Does that make any sense to anyone?

Common Sense and Lockdowns/Isolation/Unemployment & Business Failures

Common sense said this was a disaster in the making.  So did a lot of epidemiologists.  The only positive thing was for bike riders and pedestrians - no traffic to worry about.

They mandated masks and cases surged.  They mandated lockdowns, social distancing, closed beaches and cases still surged.  Then they mandated an experimental untested vax to all those they were able to mandate them for, to no effect on the spread or infection.  Common sense should have told you they were all lying to you.  Plus bullying and shaming those who ignored their lies.  Common sense should have told you they were up to no good and profiting from their lies.  In the future, if you have any common sense, please use it, otherwise they will keep doing what they've done.

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