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Saturday, May 18, 2024

More Old Venice Photos...and Comments on Taking Supplements

 1984 - The name of a book written about it by George Orwell.   The Olympics came to LA.  The photos below have nothing to do with the book but everything to do with the Olympics.  They show some of the Olympic Torch carry and hand-off through the streets of LA.  In a future post, I'll have photos of the Olympic Marathon, shot as they went through Venice and Marina Del Rey.  Hard to believe that was 40 years ago.

I believe I shot these photos as the torch was being carried through Santa Monica.

I could write a book about vitamins and supplements but I'll keep this short.  I posted previously (Road to Health) what I do to stay healthy.  A good multivitamin is a good start to fill in any gaps you might be missing in your diet.  Avoid supplements with artificial ingredients, FD&C food colorings, talc, etc.  Usually a "Two a Day" is better.  If you want to target specific things like supporting your joints, heart, immune system, etc., those things determine what other supplements you may want to take.  You may have to search for the answers online and do some trial and error.  When you find what works, it will make a huge difference in your health.  

Previously, I posted a List of Doctors & Scientists whom I follow.  These are the best of the best.  I put asterisks next to a few of my favorites.  Several of them have excellent protocols for staying healthy.  There is always more to learn.  Here is one of the New Things I learned and have used with dilute food-grade hydrogen peroxide at the first sign of any possible viral infection.  Usually, 1 spray is enough for me.

One last note:  When searching for health-related information, use many search engines.  Talk to those who have experience.  Remember that natural remedies take a while to work, unlike drugs.  And unlike drugs, they seldom have negative side effects as long as taken appropriately (not in excess).

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