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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Scanning Old Negatives (from the 1980s)...and the usual comments.

Back in the 1970's & 1980's (long before then, actually), I was shooting with a Nikon FTn film camera.  I shot mostly B&W and mostly at Southern California beaches from Santa Monica to Hermosa.  It would have been too expensive to print every frame but kept the negatives.  Now it's time to get rid of them.  I scanned many of those over the past few years but still had hundreds more.  I decided to see what was on those negatives - lots of great photos from Venice Beach, pool parties, model headshots, and more.  So far, over 600 of them.  Lots of memories.  I'll be posting many of these on this blog as time goes by and as I'm post-processing them.  Here are some more of those photos:

In case anyone hasn't guessed, that's me in the middle.  Early 1980s, Venice Beach, Ocean Fron Walk.

After this post, I will be mentioning The Highwire for the commentary for the most part.  They and I have been on Parallel paths for several years and have come up with the same findings.

Now for my commentary on this and that.   I always recommend TheHighwire.  In addition, I hope everyone who reads my comments goes here - perfect description of how I've felt about the past 4 years.  Thankfully, I've stayed healthy for the past 15 years.  You can search this blog for "Road to Health" to read my story and what I do to stay healthy.

I believe the weatherman on Ch 7 in LA (Dallas Rains) messed up on the Global Warming narrative that's being promoted.  He said all this cold weather we're getting in LA from the Arctic is because of a thicker-than-normal ice shelf in the Arctic.  Maybe next they'll be pushing global cooling.  

By now, everyone is probably familiar with illegal immigration.  They give illegal aliens money, free room and board, free medical, free education, and "get-out-of-jail free cards" when they commit crimes.  Where does all that money come from?  Speaking of illegal aliens, there was this story about a student being suspended for asking a question about aliens - you can check it HERE.   He got suspended for using correct terminology (alien is someone who came from another country and is a non-citizen in the country he/she went to; illegal is when you break the law).  These days they may as well suspend everyone because, no doubt, everyone says something that offends someone else.  We need to get back to some kind of sanity before it's too late!

For my next post, I will discuss vitamins and other nutritional supplements.

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