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Friday, July 16, 2021

Roller Skating at Venice Beach - 1980s (and some other subjects)

Finally, a photography post on a photography blog, LOL.  This will be an ongoing series.  Actually, some of the photos will be from Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, and Santa Monica.  I started skating in Hermosa Beach in 1979 and skated for about 27 years altogether.  I just about always carried my Nikon while skating.  I stopped in 2007 to start playing paddle tennis at Venice Beach (the topic for a future blog post).  My best guess is that I skated a total of around 25,000 - 40,000 miles in those years.  Since, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, here are the photos.

After the photos, and in future posts, I will post other unrelated but relevant topics that could have an effect on skating, paddle tennis, photography, and all other aspects of life and health.  I hope you will find those informative and helpful and the photos enjoyable.  Now for some photos.

The above photo was either in Hermosa Beach or Manhattan Beach

That's me in the above photo during much better times for the world.  Now, unfortunately, on to much more serious things.

The only thing I can say on any subject is don't listen to me.  If you want to learn everything you can, go to the leading experts on that subject.  For the current virus, two of the doctors with the most knowledge would be Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D., and the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, M.D.  To get the most truthful information about them, search for their names on Qwant Search Engine.

This VIDEO from Dr. McCullough is a few weeks old, so the numbers given are now higher, but everything he says in the video has been corroborated by many other doctors, virologists, microbiologists, immunologists, as well as investigative reporters.  Please watch this video and please educate yourself on the pros and cons as if your life depends on it...because it probably does.  One of the best and most complete I have seen on this subject yet.  Also on that page are many other listings should you be inclined to learn even more.

This VIDEO with Dr. Robert Malone, is also a must-watch.  Pretty unusual when the inventor of a vaccine technology advises against getting it.  Just scroll down to the shortened version of the interview (reduced to 1 hour from 3 hours 15 minutes).

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