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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Some New Links and Comments Relating to Current Events

Whatever else you do, click on the links, watch or read them, and then share this page with everyone you know.  It's that important to your future.  I am on many lists from professional people (doctors, scientists, investigative journalists, etc.) or organizations that I have followed for many years and have found to be truthful and honest.  However, because they don't agree with the news or social media, they are no longer available on social media and other platforms.  Occasionally, while reading comments on social media I find some excellent links to studies.  I'll keep sharing the best ones and hope they will still be available.  

Deadly Prion Brain Diseases & Experimental mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines: Study Finds Plausible Link - Reading this should be a part of your informed consent...assuming you still consent after reading it.

Some more things to think about before vaccinating.  Great article.

I cannot verify who the speaker is in this INTERVIEW but the information and the things he/she talks about are things everyone should be thinking about, especially when it comes to doing your own research.  You also need to ask yourself why in the hell would they even consider injecting 12-15-year-olds when, for all practicable purposes, they are at a zero-risk from Covid or from passing it on.  The experimental biologic has many risks, including death.  Another this to ask yourself is why anyone would make an experimental injectable biologic mandatory.  I've read their answer is to protect others (just read that again today on  From what, exactly, if the others have gotten their injectable?  They are already protected.  They never answer that, yet it would seem to be common sense...which this so-called pandemic seems to have caused a massive shortage of.

If you go to no other link, go to COVID-19 tribunal exposing willful misconduct - A roundtable discussion with doctors, scientists, attornies, and more.  It is brand new (Apr 28).  Listen to the advice on that Dr. Henry Ealy talked about regarding supplements (the same thing I've been saying and sharing for years).  Then look at the study on masks, below.

Keep in mind that these days, anything that doesn't agree with the official government narrative will either be censored or fact-checked as false even when based on verified facts - I've seen that happen.  If you notice, on social media, all negative talk about vaccines is now gone.  I've studied vaccines for the past 6 years (well over 1,000 hours worth) and have shared hundreds of links to vaccine information.  You can use the search bar to search for those.  You can also use it to search for health, which I've studied for 44 years, talked with over 30,000 people about their health, have an MS in holistic nutrition, and took all the courses for a Ph.D.

Speaking of the current new "vaccines," which don't fit the actual definition of a vaccine, why would anyone trust an experimental biologic made by companies that have been fined billions of dollars for lying and hiding information about previous products that have killed tens of thousands of people?  Why would anyone trust the CDC, Fauci, etc., when they lie daily about face masks, especially when those masks not only do not work but are also causing harm?  

You can see how well masks have worked in the above charts, all easily verified.  Just listening to the news about the last surge and observing close to 100% mask usage before it happened should have been enough...if you were paying attention.  Need more proof?  If they worked for viruses, no vaccines would be needed.   Conversely, if vaccines worked, why would we need masks?  Here is a link to one of the most recent and most complete studies showing not only that masks don't work for viruses, but that they cause harm to the wearer.  When someone shames you by saying that wearing a mask shows you care for others, the exact opposite is true.  It shows you don't care enough to learn the truth to protect their health.  If you truly cared you would learn the truth and advise them of the mask ineffectiveness as well as the health dangers as outlined in the above study.  Or in this study from Stanford - Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis   If you really care, do the research from independent sources, learn the truth about masks, vaccines, health, what works and what doesn't, what is the truth, what is a lie, etc., and then share that.  You may need to do that in person or on a blog like this as social media is now social censorship.  If Fauci doesn't understand the above about masks, one has to wonder if he is competent or a liar, or both.  And if that is the case why would anyone believe anything he says?

Now for some recent links:

Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P - Episode 44 - Five doctors discussing the "vaccine."

US Citizens Have a New Weapon in Their Fight for Freedom - You might think this was conspiracy theory except it's by Naomi Wolf.

German Microbiologist: “They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines” to Reduce the World’s Population - I hope he is wrong and that he is overreacting but never before has a vaccine been given in massive amounts of the population with no long-term testing of any kind.  My guess is we'll know in the next 4 months to 2 years.  It may take much longer to discover other negative effects (autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart diseases, etc.).

Doctors for COVID Ethics: COVID-19 Vaccines are Unnecessary, Ineffective and Unsafe - If you wonder why so many are refusing the vaccine, now you know (after reading this link, with references).

Of course, all of the above could have been avoided if they had told people how to support their immune systems...and people had followed that advice.  So simple, so cheap, so easy to do.

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