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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Latest Information and Some Thoughts Related to the Virus

Every day I find new information about what is going on.  I will post the latest and best links that I find; however, it would not surprise me if some of those links no longer work due to censorship.  But first, some thoughts - these are my opinion based on all that I have read.  As soon as the elections were over, two vaccine companies have now announced astounding results - you can believe them if you want but I don't.  I'm guessing that experimental subjects already had immunity before receiving the vaccine and they're crediting the vaccine for it.  Next, half the population had said they would not take the vaccine.  Since that time they have announced a surge in cases and have threatened or started lockdowns that cause more harm than good, but effectively scares the hell out of people so they'll take any solution available, even unsafe vaccines.  Here is an article about fear from Dr. Breggin, M.D., Psychiatrist.  If you wonder who he is, just to his "About" pages (I always try to use the best people out there).  And it seems to be working - now around 60% of the people say they will take it.  I'm actually hearing of less sick people than before from people I know.  But it's all part of the game plan, which isn't reality.  The more fear, the more money they make, and the less you have.  Assuming you survive another lockdown.  It's time for everyone to wake up to what is going on.

An article about the PCR test.  You'll learn a lot about testing (note - there are references at the bottom of the article - just click on References)!  But wait, there's more, and this is from Fauci himself about the PCR test.  If you are still wondering about the test, here is Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former Chief Scientific Advisor at Pfizer, giving an interview on the subject.

Here is an excellent video called The Covid Cult - a talk about Covid by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.  Near the end, there are several graphs which show, in several countries and states, when masks were mandated and the results.  You can easily verify each one.

This next link is about what I and many medical experts have been saying for some time now - Covid deaths are extremely exaggerated!

About lockdowns and face masks - I hope this one doesn't get censored as it has lots of statistics which you can find yourself but would take some time.  If you saw or read the Great Barrington Declaration then you know that over 50,000 doctors and health professionals and experts have said lockdowns cause more death and destruction than the virus.

It's not that face masks are ineffective in stopping the spread of viruses, it's that they cause harm to the person wearing them.  Here is an article that you can download that has 62 references at the end.  Read the conclusion if you don't have time for the whole article.  And from this doctor who tells of his experiences. (Just in case that one get censored)

The above are just a few of the hundreds of links I have that all say about the same thing.  You can scroll down to previous posts here to find many more.  I do my research.  If you did, too, you would not be living in fear.

Out of all the information I've shared, remember the single most important thing is to support your immune system.  If everyone did that, pandemics would be a thing of the past.  If you should get this or any other virus, don't blame others for not wearing masks or whatever, blame yourself for not taking care of your health and your immune system.

As some of you know, I have been researching vaccines for several years.  I know how they promote them - with fear and lies.  Here's an article about one of the Covid vaccines.  I am not anti-vaccine - I am pro safe and effective vaccine.  Currently, those don't exist.  There are risks to your health and life.  Know the risks!

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