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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

How Dare They!

The following is from an NBC news article on July2, 2019 (in California):  "The state acted on the Sutton and Allen cases following complaints to the medical board from Dr. Wendy Cerny, assistant chief of pediatrics at a Kaiser Permanente clinic in Roseville, court documents show. (Kaiser Health News, which produces California Healthline, is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanante.) Cerny contacted the board about Sutton in February 2017 and followed up with an email about Allen 15 months later, according to the documents.

Cerny became concerned after seeing permanent medical exemptions for Kaiser Permanente pediatric patients written by Sutton and Allen that cited reasons including “a personal history of genetic defect,” food and environmental allergies, “neurological vulnerability” and a family history of mental health disorders, according to the legal documents.

The doctors under investigation are not Kaiser Permanente doctors, but parents went to them for vaccination exemptions. In one case, Sutton issued a “lifelong medical exemption from all vaccines” to a boy before his family joined Kaiser Permanente, according to Cerny’s complaint. When one of Cerny’s colleagues refused to write similar exemptions for the boy’s two younger siblings, the mother said she would go back to Sutton to get them, the complaint says."

How dare a doctor, to protect the health of his/her patients, excuse them from vaccines that can and do harm children and kill them, especially at the loss of revenue to drug companies.  How dare he take into account their medical history.  How dare he listen to the parents of the children.  In other words, how dare doctors do the job they were trained for if it protects their patients and cuts into drug company profits.

Forget the arguments for and against vaccines for a moment - if the vaccine may kill or injure the child it is supposed to protect (which is questionable), why would you get it?  Let's say it's the MMR vaccine.  If you get measles, it lasts around a week or so and then you're immune for life.  If you get the MMR, you could die or be permanently injured.  If it works, you have only temporary immunity.  In the case of the Disneyland measles outbreak, 38% of the cases were vaccine strain measles, meaning the vaccine caused the measles in those cases.

Those two doctors mentioned should probably be given the Medal of Freedom.  Which brings me to the final point:  How dare they (the government, etc.) be allowed to take away our freedom (forced vaccination or any medical procedure IS NOT FREEDOM).  How dare they force medical interventions on anyone!

Food for thought - when the vaccine makers do their so-called safety testing by using either other vaccines or some of the same adjuvants contained in the vaccine being tested, as placebos, that is tantamount to an admission by them that their vaccine is not safe.  Otherwise, they would use a true placebo - an inert substance, usually a saline solution for liquids.

When you do your own research, you must do it from those without conflicts of interest - those who do not profit from what you are studying.  In this case, that would eliminate the media, drug companies, the CDC, the government, many universities, etc.

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