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Monday, March 25, 2019

Best Vaccine Resource Pages

NOTE:  All my future blog posts relating to health and vaccines will be at True Health Freedom.

With the possibility of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., censoring vaccine content  (either deleting them entirely or having them not show up on searches), I'm making a list of links that go directly to the home pages of various pro-truth, pro-freedom, pro-choice, anti-mandatory, vaccine sites.  I'm sure it's not a complete list, so if you have any to add, please let me know.  At the end of this list will be a link to all the sites I've gone to to research vaccines.  Because most are from 3 years ago, they may not all work.  However, the link may still take you to the site, just not the article, in which case you may get a "page not found" notice.  If you delete everything after the ".com" in the address bar, you'll at least get to the site to explore it.

Some other thoughts:  What would probably be better than this page would be if all the sites listed here (plus the ones I've no doubt left out) got together to form one site where all their articles could be shared (while still maintaining their own sites).  So that whatever content they added to their site would also be posted on their shared site.  I think this would make things easier, although perhaps too complex?  There is a site now that could be used, and at least one of the vaccine sites is using it, called  They say absolutely no censorship.  It's a social site like Facebook.

Here's the list I have so far:
The Highwire with Del Bigtree (Sign up here for coming soon) - Excellent
Children's Health Defense - with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Excellent
Vaccine Impact - Excellent
National Vaccine Information Center - Excellent
Stop Mandatory Vaccination - Excellent
Physicians for Informed Consent - Excellent
Revolution for Choice - could only find a Facebook page - Excellent
The Truth About Vaccines (also Facebook The Truth About Vaccines Docuseries) - Excellent
GreenMedinfo - Vaccines, Health, Herbs, & much more - Excellent
Health Impact News - Excellent
Child Health Safety - Excellent
Vaccine Papers - Links to a lot of excellent information
VaxTruth - another great resource - Excellent
Age of Autism - Excellent
Global Freedom Movement (GFM) Excellent
Thinking Moms Revolution
Jon Rappoport - Journalist who write about vaccines and lots of other things
The Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI) - Excellent
Health Nut News (HNN) - About vaccines and Health in general
The Mom Street Journal - Excellent
Vaccine Safety Commission - Excellent resource
Vaccine Liberation - Excellent
Alliance for Human Research Protection - Excellent
Sharyl Attkisson - Medical Vaccine Links
Dr. Mercola - Writes about general health and also vaccines

I use Web of Trust to protect my searches from malicious or unsafe sites.  I shouldn't have been surprised that several of the above sites were listed as "Unsafe," when, in fact, they are not only safe but truthful and informative.  No doubt the pro-vaxx people don't want you going to sites like these.

In addition to the above, there are many doctors, scientists, immunologists, etc., that I did not list because the list would become too long, plus by going to the links above, you will discover many of them.

My vaccine links through the end of 2016 - Hundreds of links.  I have since added hundreds more which at some point I'll be compiling into another blog post.

ADDENDUM - I have read that 60% of people are against MANDATORY vaccines.  This is only my suggestion, but since it's almost impossible to convince some of the dangers of vaccines, I think it might be easier to talk about the loss of their freedom.  And to tell them that once vaccines become mandatory for children, they will be next.  Followed by mandatory psych drugs for who knows how many people.  I think it is imperative to ask all your friends and relatives to contact their state and federal representatives in Congress and start demanding no mandatory vaccines.

The following is from "Stop Mandatory Vaccinations" which is listed above:

This is what is happening in California:
***ACTION ALERT!!!*** Sen Pan Announces New Bill To Effectively End Medical Exemptions in California. TAKE ACTION!

#CALIFORNIA update regarding #SB276 -

California, the time is now! Senator Pan has introduced the bill we have all been expecting. SB276, a bill to restrict medical exemptions in California, has gone live and Assemblything Lorena G is the first coauthor.

What the bill does:

1. All medical exemptions must be approved by the State Public Health Officer (or approved designee).

2. All medical exemptions must be based on CDC contraindications only. These are VERY narrow - basically anaphylaxis.

3. All medical exemption requests must be submitted on a standardized form created by the California Dept of Public Health (CDPH).

4. All medical exemption requests will be tracked in a database managed by the CDPH. This will include personal and sensitive medical information about your children.

5. Any medical exemption written PRIOR to SB276 will also need to be approved by the CDPH and included in their database, by July 1, 2020. If the grandfathered medical exemption is deemed "fraudulent," it will be invalidated.

We are going to be under the gun on this one due to legislative deadlines, it has the potential to move fast. We must take action en masse. We must show up en masse. Pan has declared war on our families. He has declared war on doctors. He has declared war on the legislators who, in good faith, passed SB277 knowing that medical exemptions would be broad and include family history and be written with YOUR doctor's discretion. Not Pan's discretion. Not the CDC's discretion.

Do these things today:
1. Call the Senate Rules Committee (916) 651-4120 and politely ask that SB276 is double referred to the Senate Health Committee and the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee.

2. Call the following Senators (we will be calling several a day so that we can hit them all fairly quickly). Urge them to NOT coauthor SB276 and to vote NO when/if comes before them for a vote.

Senator Toni Atkins (916) 651-4039 Senator Scott Wilk (916) 651-4021 Senator Pat Bates (916) 651-4036 Senator Bill Monning (916) 651-4017 Senator Richard Roth (916) 651-4031 Senator Maria Durazo (916) 651-4024 Senator Connie Leyva (916) 651-4020 Sen Shannon Grove (916) 651-4016

Sample Script: "Hi, I'm calling to urge Senator __________ to NOT coauthor SB276, a bill to severely restrict medical exemptions. Furthermore, I would ask that the Senator vote NO should SB276 come before him/her for a vote. SB277 was passed because of a broad medical exemption that was left to a doctor's discretion. There is no crisis demanding such an authoritarian law in California. Thank you for your time."

3. You have two legislators - a Senator and an Assemblyperson. Call them both. Ask for a meeting with the legislator (not a staffer) in the next few weeks in their district office to discuss SB276. Ask if they have any town halls or coffee talks on the calendar in the near future. Let us know what you find out!

4. Start talking to people: friends, family, doctors, nurses. Let them know what Pan is up to with this bill. Invite them to join Parents United 4 Kids.

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