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Sunday, January 17, 2021

My Last Blog Post For a While - To Your Health

I think this will be my last blog post and update - I've posted all the information and links that will unlikely change regarding Covid, Immune Support, vaccines in general and for Covid, masks, lockdowns, and many things related to staying healthy.  There are more links and info here than you'll ever need or have time to read.  I think this blog may also be getting censored - the number of visitors hasn't changed for a while.  

Recently a newsletter I received talked about some myths regarding the new vaccines.  And then, as I was pretty sure they would do, they lied and gave misinformation.  One of the lies they told was that if you get a reaction, you'll get it in the first 15 minutes after the vaccine.  They forgot to tell that to the doctor in Miami who died three days after getting vaccinated from massive internal bleeding.  Here's that story:  Johns Hopkins Scientist: ‘A Medical Certainty’ Pfizer Vaccine Caused Death of Florida Doctor.  This just happened (1/22/2021):  Home Run King Hank Aaron Dies of ‘Undisclosed Cause’ 18 Days After Receiving Moderna Vaccine.  On 1/25/2021 this story:  53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started - You can decide what to believe, Covid, Coincidence, or Vaccine (Experimental Biologic, actually).  Or you can use some common sense and see what is actually going on.  And from a whistleblower nurse - this one is a must-read and watch the video, too:  CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!!  The more you know, the more informed choices you can make.  Here is one of the most complete explanations of how the "vaccine" causes the damage it causes (along with some ideas on how to lessen the damage):  How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions.  Includes an interview with microbiologist/virologist Judy Mikovits.  And then, of course, is this (the whole reason for lockdowns, masks, experimental biologics, etc.:  COVID-19 Fatalities 16.7 Times Too High Due to 'Illegal' Inflation.  In other words, as of now, only about 30,000 can be said to have died from Covid, and many of those died due to being put on ventilators, not being given drugs that probably would have saved their lives, and other medical errors and omissions.

Here's where using logic and common sense will tell you that you are being lied to.  They say masks prevent the spread.  Yet as mask usage has increased to the point that almost everyone in LA County is wearing one, January had the worst month yet for Covid in LA County - that was just on the news.  Next - why do they have to swab several inches into your nasal cavity and twist it around right to the wall separating it from your brain when supposedly a sneeze, cough, or talking too loud can spread Covid; after all, if that's the case they could just swab the back of your mouth or any part of your nose.  See Dr. Buttar's PCR test link below.  I think it was Judge Judy who said if it doesn't make sense, it's not true.  And nothing they've been telling us makes sense.  Here's one last point that I believe they are doing - the experimental biologic (aka the "vaccine") does not contain Covid, so if you get it and die and they list Covid as the cause, they will then say it could not have been the vaccine since the vaccine does not contain Covid.  They will never list a vaccine as a cause of death.  Yet hundreds of deaths have occurred after the vaccine.

I mentioned the Florida doctor because 54 years ago I got my first and last flu shot (basic training in the US Air Force), was sick for three days, and got tiny dots under the skin on the tips of my fingers.  Has never happened before or since.  The outer layer of skin then peeled off in those areas.  Never knew what it was until I read about the unlucky doctor.  Now I wonder if another shot might do that to me.  I'm glad I haven't had one since.  It got me out of dishwashing in KP but there would be no record of it because I had no way of knowing the cause.  I wonder how many other people had adverse events and never knew that it might have been because of a vaccine they received.  Don't forget that sometimes it can take years for an adverse event caused by a vaccine to show up.  Of course, for this vaccine, which doesn't fit the medical definition of a vaccine, no long term studies have been done, so who knows what will happen in a few months or years.  But to top it all off, people are rushing out to get a vaccine that doesn't prevent getting Covid, doesn't prevent spreading Covid, so what exactly does it do?  This is insanity!  For more information about those tiny dots and about the vaccine in general:  Powerful Message From Dr Rashid A Buttar - If This Resonates With You, Pay It Forward and Pass It On.  Lots of great information from an MD that does his research.

But that is not the worst.  You need to watch the video at the following link from a doctor who is also a public health official (at least for now he is):  Dr. Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of the COVID Vaccine: Full Transcript and video.  Make sure you read his background if you think he's a conspiracy theorist.  He's probably one of the top experts on this so-called vaccine.  Also, listen to his Q&A after his talk.  Hopefully, what he says will resonate with you. And then you should read the following, or at least some of it:  Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19.  Seems to me that HCQ or Ivermectin is a far superior option to a "vaccine" that doesn't actually fit the definition of being a vaccine (so what is it?  an experimental biologic is, I believe, the correct definition).

Feb 1, 2021 - Several videos from Dr. Buttar, MD, the last one is about the swabs used to the PCR test and it makes a good point - why do they have to swab wayyy back in the nasal cavity if you can spread Covid from sneezing, coughing, singing, or talking too loud?  PCR Test Danger - this explains why.

And that brings me to the daily total Covid deaths, which have been said to have passed 400,000 by the CDC, media, etc.  While Covid may not be a joke, that number is.  Influenza and pneumonia are now classified as Covid.  ILI (influenza-like illness) which includes some of the other possible 200+ viruses is also now Covid.  All nursing home deaths are now Covid, although most people in nursing homes would die from even getting a cold.  Then there are the gunshot victims and car accident victims, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, kidney failure patients, etc., who have been listed as Covid.  And finally, all those who were put on ventilators when they shouldn't have been (but money was too good an incentive not to do that), and between 50-90% of those on ventilators die.  Once those are all factored out and the actual cause of death listed, Covid deaths would probably be less than the seasonal flu.  So how many die of Covid as a direct and only cause of death?  I don't know but would guess maybe 40,000.  I doubt we'll ever really know.  But the 400,000 number sure gets people lining up for the experimental biologic (what they call a vaccine).  

What else is in the news all the time?  That Covid caused the economic turmoil.  Covid didn't cause that - no virus ever has.  The reaction to Covid is the cause.  All of which we now know did nothing to stop the virus.  Well, many of us knew a long time ago that would be the case.

As always I hope you'll watch The Highwire with Del Bigtree where, along with all the other news he covers, he has a study showing that across this country wherever masks are mandated, cases are higher than where they are not mandated.  I've been saying this for some time.  I have mentioned the so obvious evidence in LA where masks are close to being used 100% and Covid cases are higher than ever.  If you have a shred of common sense there is only one conclusion from the above two statements.  Do not wear a damn mask if you truly care about others...or yourself, as they also harm the wearer.  It's time to think for yourself and not let CNN, CDC, etc. do your thinking for you!!!!!!!

And perhaps most important, the latest on what you can do to stay healthy:  A Health Crisis Exposed by the COVID Pandemic (notice the references in the article plus the editorial review board).  If you truly care about others, you need to take care of yourself.  Keep in mind that fear, depression, stress, etc. lower your immunity.  So does wearing a mask, staying indoors, and pretty much everything they have been mandating (which also are not working; by now that should be obvious).

A new study of areas where there are mandatory masks vs where there are no mandatory mask mandates showed exactly what I've been saying - mandatory masks have been increasing the incidence of Covid - here's the link:  Horowitz: Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates.  The more people who wear masks, the more Covid cases - just listen to the news and then look around you - it's that easy to learn the truth.  Today, Rand Paul, M.D., and a senator said if you are immune to Covid, get rid of your masks.  Finally, a senator and a doctor with some common sense.  And someone commented that he must not care about others to say what he did.  Stop listening to CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc., and get educated!!!!  Even AARP is giving misinformation!  In their latest bulletin they almost make you think they are going to give you important information about immune boosters but instead they discredit them.  And supporting your immune system is the most important thing you can do.  The health crisis link above is an excellent article and agrees with my 30 years of research which turned me from a viral magnet to never getting sick.  Remember, if you are immune and healthy, you do not infect others.

Today as I rode my bike the 6.4 miles to Venice Beach and back, I looked at everyone out walking, and all of them (about 30 or so) were wearing masks except for one person and that person was nowhere near anyone else.  Bicyclists were also wearing them.  And yet LA has one of the highest rates in the country right now.  Anyone is capable of seeing this and listening to the news.  It's time to ditch the masks - they do not work.  They cause harm.  And it seems from the latest study they cause Covid to spread more, and the evidence seems to back that up.  Mask mandate?  Cases spike up.  The Fog of COVID War — Locking Down the Healthy - also about masks.  And here's a Quick Demo of how masks (don't) help.

If you've gotten this far, please scroll down to the next post that has links to many studies and articles where you can learn the truth about all that is happening related to Covid.  Thanks for stopping by.  

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