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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

How to Stay Healthy - Health Care vs Sick Care

A few days ago a friend of mine posted on Facebook a video about Finland's health system and how everyone is covered and compared that to the U.S. system.  I mentioned that the best way to solve our sick care system is for people to get healthy via a healthy whole foods organic diet, proper supplements, exercise, good sleep, lowering stress levels, etc.  Then I mentioned how it had helped me stay healthy - no viral/bacterial infections.

One would think nothing wrong with that solution, right?  After all, I grew up getting sick almost all the time with colds, flu, headaches, allergies, indigestion, an ulcer, etc.  You would think someone might ask what I did?  Well, not on FB.  Not only did that not happen, but someone attacked my healthy lifestyle, saying it was just by luck and it would catch up with me like it did with  Jim Fixx (as if one case can be generalized to the whole population).  In response, I mentioned that the president of the American Heart Association had gotten a heart attack at age 52 (to make the point that anyone can have a problem at any time).  She didn't respond to that.

She then called supplements snake oil (not knowing that actual snake oil is good for you, not so much for the snake who donated it) and because I said I had owned a vitamin health food store, she said I had been selling snake oil (we didn't - wouldn't have been fair to the snakes).  I mentioned that in addition to my own excellent health that I had done hundreds (actually thousands) of hours of research on health and supplements.  She then said doctors have done millions of hours of research (a million hours equals 114 years which shows how ridiculous her statements were).  I think you can see where this was going.  (NOTE: Shortly after I wrote this post, I encountered another person who said getting healthy from organic foods and supplements was a myth (he was mythtaken, of course)!  I'm wondering if he was the same person using another name.  One would think that common sense and logic would tell you that eating foods with pesticides/herbicides and chemicals would not be healthy compared to foods without those.  It astounds me that when you tell people this, they still don't understand it).

I answered that with a chart of statistics regarding our health (sick) care system results from all those millions of hours.  Plus I was going to add that of all developed nations, the U.S. is 31st in longevity and has the highest infant mortality rates, not to mention we spend more than any nation on this so-called health care.  This is the chart:

I was going to mention that not one person has died from supplements when taken in the proper amounts or as directed by a healthcare practitioner (what she called snake oil) in the past several years, if ever (in a few cases in the past, when a person was in poor health and taking drugs and supplements and died, they blamed the supplement, of course).  

I had said nothing negative about her and in fact, before her negative comments, had put a "like" on one of her comments.  After reviewing the things she said and realizing her nasty negativity and ignorance regarding health and being human, I blocked her on FB (I average one of those per year).  I don't mind if someone disagrees with me but when they resort to personal attacks (for helping others and then accuses me of having sold snake oil) without having done the research...  And I certainly don't want someone who makes statements that promote sickness.  She obviously had not done any research but thought she knew it all.  People like that can be dangerous to your health.

This leads me to one of my favorite quotes:  "It astounds me how people never learn, and simply accept what is suggested to them by those writing articles, or those speaking on television, as gospel. Have we lost the ability to think critically? Have we lost the ability to question what we are told based upon actual facts? Or have we simply adopted the "Foghorn Leghorn perspective:  "Don't bother me with facts, son. I've already made up my mind.""

In the above quote, the answer for her was yes, yes, and yes.  Perhaps she worked in the medical field or maybe she was just brain damaged from vaccines or was suffering the side effects of prescription drugs.

Unfortunately, the current system in the U.S. is a money machine.  Vaccines have no liability, the U.S. is one of only two countries to allow prescription drugs to be advertised in the media.  Vaccines and drugs have side effects up to and including death, plus lifelong injuries.  Eating junk food has that effect, too.  If they actually wanted to change the sick care system into a health care system, they would promote a healthy lifestyle.  They would have courses in school promoting nutrition, exercise, and why supplements are needed in today's world.  They would discontinue vaccines until they are made safe (they are far from that now).  They won't because the last thing they want to do is destroy a trillion dollar industry.  But that doesn't mean that you can't do it yourself.  How do you get started? 

Similar to what I did - find the healthiest person you can, ask him or her what he or she does to stay healthy.  The person I found told me to get a book called "Health Secrets of the Hunza" and follow their diet.  I did.  The next step is to do some research from Independent Sources - I wish I had the internet when I started on this health quest - it would have been a lot easier.  Oh - don't expect overnight success.  It took me around 20 years to get to the point I'm at today, but for some problems to fade away, it took as little as 6 months.  This won't fix the system as there are too many people like the woman above who would probably rather die than change, but if you would like to opt out of the sick care system and into a health care system, I can vouch that this worked wonders for me (and many thousands of others) and perhaps it will for you.  The nice thing is there are no side effects to eating healthy organic foods and next to zero side effects from taking supplements in the proper amounts and as directed on the labels.

What if you're on prescription drugs?  Seek a good naturopathic doctor (or another medical professional (M.D., D.O., etc.) who understands nutrition.  

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