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Monday, August 6, 2012


I was over at Jasmine Star's blog, and there was talk about sunsets - specifically, who has the best ones - where they are.  Some were saying the East Coast (U.S.) and some the West Coast, and still others were arguing for somewhere in between.  Also, Alaska was mentioned, as well as some other places.  Well, as I said on my Facebook page, and quoted from an old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  Because this is primarily a photography blog (with some health related topics from time to time), and beauty is a component of photography, and one which I enjoy the most (sunsets, women, flowers, mountains, etc), I will be posting, for the most part, my interpretation of beauty through my images.  I will leave pictures of war, suffering, sadness, and related images for others who specialize in that and therefore would do a much better job at it than would I.

With the above explanation, here are some of my past sunsets (as always, these pictures have been reduced in size and so may not be as sharp as the originals:

The above photo was shot years ago with Nikon FTn on film, which deteriorated over time, but I think this is one time when the passage of time may have improved the image, or at least made it more artistic.  This was taken at Rincon, CA.  The five photos below are some more from that series.  The photo that is a bit more gray was one that had been printed, and a scan made from that, so not much in the way of color shifting or degradation.

And this last photo - shot on the East Coast (I believe at Captree on Long Island, NY) with a small box camera (Daci camera, made in Germany), probably taken in the late 1950's or early 1960's with 120 size film.  Negative color shifted and faded, but here it is.  Still not bad.

I will be adding some more sunsets in my next post, and then get on to some other things.  I hope you found this enjoyable, and realize it really doesn't matter where a beautiful sunset occurs - it is still a beautiful sunset.

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