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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Old Photos & New Comments

 I started this on July 16th but got sidetracked with all that is going on, plus still working on old photos.  Here are some new old photos (an oxymoron?) that I hope you enjoy.

Many photos I shot at Venice Beach have boring skies - usually not a cloud in sight.  I added some in the above shot.  This is another one from the early 1980's when half the people along Ocean Front Walk had skates on, myself included.

Arizona desert and lake - may be from the 1970's.

Armed and dangerous above.  Although you'd never guess it.  Shot in Santa Monica by the beach.

Someone I met while out skating.  Early 1980's again.


Tonight, on the evening news, they said Trump & RFK Jr. lied about vaccines.  The evening news lied, as they always do, saying vaccines were safe and effective, and studied meticulously.  Turned out the liars were the media (and not Trump & RFK Jr), as usual.  Dr. Stanley Plotkin is known as the godfather of vaccinology and wrote the book on vaccines.  The media gets most of their income from drug company advertising, which should never have been allowed.  Only one other country allows this - New Zealand.  If you are interested in your health and well-being, and that of your children and families, the below article is a must read.  Hopefully, you've learned this over the past 4 years from C0v!d.  Whether the news media is talking about vaccines, global warming, illegal immigration, the economy, or politics, the opposite of what they report is most likely a lot closer to the truth (or perhaps is the truth).

After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Old and New Photos, plus Comments

 I've been working on a few hundred photos I scanned from negatives and slides over the past couple of weeks.  Each time I thought I was finished with the dust spots I found more of them as I was fixing the color balance or other imperfections.  They are still not perfect but will be posting them here anyway.  Hope you find them interesting.

Ocean Front Walk, Venice Beach - early 1980s

Santa Barbara beach, July 4th, early 1980s - Party time!

Occasionally I manage to sneak into a photo.  Sometime around 1980.

In front of The Sand Castle building at Santa Monica Beach.  Colorful is nice.  Early 1980s.

Ocean Front Walk, Venice Beach.  She was a regular skater out there.  And that's Harry Perry - still playing his guitar (an electric one, now) out on Ocean Front Walk.  Taken around 1980 or so.


If you are a concerned citizen, then you should read this and sign the  Hope Accord Petition.

People have said, "You are not a doctor," or you are not a "______________," when discussing Covid.  It's as if they don't understand how education works - that you got your facts from the best and most honest doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, vaccinologists, etc.  Then you use critical thinking and ask yourself if what they said was logical and if it makes sense.  This brings me to know years ago what is now reported was the truth:  Sweden's response to Covid.  

If you want to see the list of experts I went to for my information, just type in the search bar at the top of this blog, "some additional notes" and then scroll down the page.  If you want updated info on what they are talking about now, go to X for the very latest.