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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Obama Care (Sick Care and Vaccines) vs Health (Just Added a Little About the Flu)

They called it the "Affordable Healthcare Act."  Probably the Affordable Sick Care Act would have been more accurate.  Or Mandatory Health Insurance Act.  Seems it has helped some and hurt others.  I'm glad I personally don't have to use it as I have the VA (I'm a veteran).  Why am I glad?  See "Death by Medicine" below.

The big question is what has it done for the health of our population?  After all, if we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world, we should have the best health.  What's the reality?  Check the following links:

World Health Organization’s Ranking of the World’s Health Systems - USA is 37th.

Life Expectancy - According to these charts, we're 31st.
CIA Chart of Life Expectancy Estimate for 2016 - Here, USA is 42nd.

Infant Mortality - 37 other countries have less infant mortality than the U.S.

Total Health Expenditure Per Capita Per Country - Finally, we're number one at something related to health.

Death by Medicine - A comprehensive overview of our health with some excellent charts showing causes of deaths.  Medicine and health care are not synonymous.

What are we doing wrong?  Concentrating on sick care and not health care and prevention.  If the U.S. concentrated on health and prevention, we wouldn't need Obamacare and we wouldn't need vaccines - hardly anyone would get sick and insurance costs would go way down as there would be very few claims....assuming people followed the guidelines, and assuming the guidelines were correct.

The problem is that there is no money involved in staying healthy.  Well, maybe a little for supplements.  And a little for those who would be responsible for cleaning the environment.  So each person needs to follow their own schedule of health, much like I have done over the past 40 years.  It took a while to fine tune things and would have been faster if the internet had been around when I started.  Now it would be a lot quicker.

What has been my result?  I went from getting sick 4-5 times a year with every cold, virus, flu, etc., that was going around, not to mention had IBS, allergies, bronchitis, ulcers, etc., to not being sick for over 5 years as of now, and only once or twice in the past 10 years.  So although I have the VA health system, I almost never use it, and then only for a physical injury.

Some new things I just learned about the flu and the flu vaccine:  Only 16% (about 1 out of 6) told that they have the flu actually do have the flu.  The other 5 out of 6 have some other upper respiratory infection.  If two people out of 100 would have gotten the flu, and the flu vaccine saved one of them from getting the flu (i.e. - saved one out of 100) they say it was 50% effective.  I say it was 1% effective.  And finally, those who get the flu shot are 4x more likely to get some other upper respiratory infection compared to those who did not get the shot.  On the other hand, I haven't had the flu shot or flu or other upper respiratory infections for over 10 years thanks to healthy diet and supplements.  Oh - I almost forgot to mention, the flu vaccine has one of the worst amounts and worst side effects of all the vaccines.

The funny thing is (and it's not really funny) someone I know got the flu shot, and a few weeks later got sick (flu or flu like?) and said, "I probably would have died if I didn't get the shot," meaning it would have been a lot worse.  Even though I told him I don't get the flu and why, he still thinks I'm the crazy one for not getting the shot.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Vaccines, Logic, and Common Sense (and links to Videos)

It's time to start using logic and common sense when talking about vaccination.  They say they are safe and effective.  Using logic on this claim, there are two problems at least.  First, why have vaccine makers been released from all liability?  If vaccines were safe, there would have been no reason to do that because there would have been too few lawsuits to worry about.  Why would the U.S. Supreme Court have called vaccines "unavoidably unsafe?"  Using logic and common sense, I hope you can see that they are not safe.  Do you want something that is not safe injected into you or your loved ones?  Maybe if they were effective, you might, although you would be trading one risk for another.  But then the second problem comes up - are they even effective?  Again, using some common sense and logic, why would anyone worry about others who were not vaccinated if you were vaccinated?  After all, you would be protected.  If they were effective, why would you need booster shots?  Why, after the recommended booster shots for pertussis (whooping cough), do those people get over 5x the cases of whooping cough compared to those who were not vaccinated?  Why do most mumps cases occur in those who were vaccinated for mumps?  Not only do you still get the diseases, but you risk the side effects of the vaccines themselves - for little or no protection.  That doesn't seem very logical.

In many articles, they say only 1 in a million is harmed by vaccines.  I think they made a typo.  It's closer to the truth if they said only 1 million are harmed by vaccines!  It is probably higher than that, too.

What about the immune compromised who can't get a vaccine?  There are a lot more diseases for which there is no vaccine, so there would still be a problem shielding them from those diseases.  In addition, there are live virus vaccines which can shed for several weeks, so those people who were just vaccinated would have to be avoided.  Even if the vaccine works in a certain percentage of those vaccinated, they can still be asymptomatic carriers, only no one will know, so suddenly you have a stealth carrier who could infect you or your child.

By now, you've probably heard about Fake News.  I think most fake news is about vaccines.  So you absolutely have to do your own independent research....if you are at all concerned with your health and the health of your children.

Currently, there is a video series which will give you all the information you should need, but it is available only for a limited time from HERE.  Or, if you have time today (Jan 11, 2017), you can watch the first episode HERE.  There are 3 parts to the first video.  All are excellent.  The first one will be available only for a few more hours.  The whole series is FREE.