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Friday, July 31, 2015

Vaccination Related Links and Some Final Notes

Note:  New Links added at top of this post, above the line.

Aug 29, 2015 - Why this attorney chooses not to vaccinate any more - Link - Her research has been completely independent of my own, yet we agree on pretty much all the points she mentions.  I believe the majority of people would also agree if they would do the research, independent of the media and drug companies, and eliminate the conflict of interest "studies."

Aug 28, 2015 - 271 new vaccines in the pipeline - Link
                       - Feds withhold Vaccine Injury Data - Link

Aug 26, 2015 - Another Link to an excellent article.  The comments below the article really should be read, also.  You MUST decide which is safer and which is more dangerous - the disease or the vaccination (which may or may not protect against the disease, or may even cause it).

Aug 23, 2015 - Link to several scientists on vaccination.  These are not scientists that are paid for by the drug industry, so rather refreshing to read their take on things.

Aug 5, 2015 new Link - Some good info and things to think about, although the article does not go into the possible long term negative effects such as allergies and autoimmune diseases.  As I mentioned previously, I had a reaction to a flu shot about 48 years ago and now have a tremor - could these be related?  I'll never know.

Aug 6, 2015 - About flu shots - Link - Agrees with what I've been saying, to make an informed decision after weighing the pros and cons.

Aug 7, 2015 - Vaccine Court Info - Link, and how to file Link which, interestingly, WOT (Web Of Trust) gives a red light to, meaning unsafe.  Part of what they claim about vaccines being safe is how few vaccine court cases there are.  I wonder what that number would be if people who were injured or killed by vaccines were aware of the vaccine court's existence and were able to file on time.

Aug 9, 2015 - 90 minute video with charts, statistics, and the beginnings of vaccines - Link.  Is there a correlation between the U.S. being the most vaccinated nation and having the worst health of all developed countries?  If you don't believe that, you are free to get vaccinated.  If you do believe vaccines are responsible, you should be free to not vaccinate.

Aug 9, 2015 - Do you think the drug companies that make vaccines should be trusted?  Then you need to go to this Link.

About the only good thing about making vaccines mandatory is that it will hopefully get people to investigate vaccines, find out the truth about them, and about the dangers.  And to not believe everything they hear from those who profit from them.

Aug 9, 2015 - Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. on Vaccines - Link - Includes how vaccines are promoted using fear as an incentive.

August 10, 2015 - About Gardasil vaccine and GBS - Link - Each of these links gives new insights into the dangers of vaccines.  Especially read the long comment at the end of the article about how they determine a vaccine is "safe."

August 18, 2015 - Link to another excellent article.  Are you or your children going to get vaccinated?  Read this before you do.


First New Link (on neurotoxicity of Aluminum Adjuvant) - Aug 2, 2015 - Link
General Information about Mandatory Vaccines - Aug 2, 2015 - Link
Gardasil Vaccine Information - Aug 2, 2015 - Link
And here's a video clip from 60 Minutes from 1976 about the Swine Flu vaccine - Link - I posted this here on Aug 2, 2015.  Now you know what goes on behind the scenes and what was reported then, and what is reported now (no longer the truth from the media, now that ads from these companies pay the media).
Immunization and Auto-immune Diseases - Aug 3, 2015 - Link (Excellent article that explores the effects of injecting aluminum into our bodies - and there are so many other ingredients that could be just as bad, if not worse).  Also explores the length of time for possible deadly autoimmune diseases to start showing up.
Link to HRSA on Compensation for Vaccine Injuries - Link - You have to read carefully how they word this file.  They make it sound like your chances of injury are 1 in a million by using number of vaccines administered and compensated.  But each child is supposed to be getting 69 doses, it's really 1 in 14,492 who get compensated.  Now, because maybe only 1 in 10 know about the ability to apply for this compensation, that number would drop to 1 in 1,449.  Even if you know about applying, but your injury relating to the vaccine is outside their guidelines, they won't pay.  And from the link immediately above this one, it was shown that autoimmune diseases caused by vaccines can take a long time to manifest, what might the real numbers be?  And they don't spell out what they consider to be mild reactions.
Interesting link to FBI's site defining terrorism - Link - Voluntary immunization is fine, but making it mandatory comes very close to the FBI's definition of Domestic Terrorism, except they passed a law making it legal.  Something to think about.
And a link about "Human Rights" - Link - Notice in the second paragraph, crimes against humanity is mentioned and includes medical experimentation.  Mandatory vaccination fits that definition, as no long term studies have been done, and long term problems are unknown.
A link about Mandatory Vaccinations and Follow the Money - Aug 3, 2015 - Link - If you've read these links, now you can begin to understand what is going on, and why your health is perhaps at risk.
Flu Shots - this link discusses what they will offer this year, and next - Link - Aug 4, 2015.  This is what CSL, the maker of the vaccine, says about it, "the safety profile of Fluvax in adolescents and adults continues to be acceptable, and that the vaccine therefore remains suitable for use in these age groups".   What it doesn't say is who it is acceptable for - the drug companies.  Nice of them to accept the fact that you may have some nasty side effects.  If it wasn't for the internet, you would never hear about this - you can bet it won't be on the evening news.  If you think it's an acceptable risk, go for it. ____________________________________________________________________________

Final notes and major points from the links - Thoughts on mandatory vaccination - It is not about vaccination, but about freedom, or the loss of it.  And about medical experimentation on our children, and perhaps everyone.  There have been no long term studies so no one know what may happen in the future to those who are vaccinated now.  We do know vaccinations are causing more deaths and disabilities than the diseases they are supposedly preventing (but aren't).  Many of the links are by scientists and doctors with impeccable credentials, who have worked and studied at major universities, or in top government positions (as you can see in the first link below).  And who, like me, have done the research, only they do it firsthand.  I have to do it second hand by finding them!  Most likely they are not working for the CDC, drug companies, or media - all of those have conflicts of interest.

There is nothing left for me to say about mandatory vaccines or vaccines in general - the links say it better than I can, anyway.  So please bookmark this page as I will be adding links to it rather than commenting any further (well, unless something major happens).

Never forget, when researching for answers - who pays the media billions of dollars, helps fund the government and politicians?  The drug companies that make the vaccines (and other drugs).  How much do drug companies make from vaccines?  Many billions.  All I can say is follow the money and do your own research, figure out who the liars are, then make your informed choice - if you are allowed to.

Some new and excellent links regarding vaccines.  Every day I come across new information about them - I will try to post the best ones here.  Others can be found on my Facebook page....for now.

This one is by Dr. Theresa Deisher - She has a PhD in molecular and cellular physiology from Stanford, and over 20 years in commercial biotechnology and has been issued 23 U.S. patents.  As with many of the people whose links I have posted on my blog, she is extremely reputable with excellent credentials, not some quack as some of the vaccine pushers are fond of calling people who disagree with them.  She reiterates what I've mentioned - that vaccines kill and injure more people than the diseases people are being vaccinated for and that they are definitely not safe.  Plus a lot of other points I've mentioned.  Whether you decide to get vaccinated or not, you are taking a chance.  So that choice should be up to you and no one else.  You should at least know what chance you are taking.

This Link is to a page of links of possible adverse reactions to vaccines.

This Link is about the Gardasil Vaccine and how it can harm those who take it.  Just read today that they are making that mandatory in Rhode Island schools.  If you put "gardasil" in a Google search, and skip the government sites, you'll find some interesting statistics.  Check, HealthImpactNews, etc.  The media, CDC, and drug companies always call these adverse events coincidences - even if you've been healthy all your life, get a vaccination, and get injured or die, you would have's a coincidence.  I just saw one ridiculous comparison that said if you drank a cup of coffee and later were hit by a truck, the coffee didn't cause it; therefore, the vaccination didn't cause your permanent brain damage, even though you've always been healthy.  Next they'll say if you got hit by a bullet, it was just a coincidence that you died - you would have anyway.

This Link was written by an immunologist, and has links to the references.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Addendum to Last Post: Minority Report and Cruel and Unusual Punishment

This post will be a bit shorter than my last one; I wanted to add a couple of items to the last post.  How many people remember the movie, "Minority Report?"  It was a movie about the future where cops could arrest people before they committed a murder.  Sort of like mandatory vaccines - force people to be subjected to them before they've ever caught and passed on a disease.  Only problem here is that those who are vaccinated are not immune to the diseases and are passing them on.  If they can force vaccinations on people for something they haven't done and may never do, maybe Minority Report will be next.  They think you might commit a crime tomorrow (including not vaccinating your child with 69 vaccines, or more as they're added) , off to jail you go today.  Or is that already happening to some people today?

The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from committing Cruel and Unusual Punishment.  In Oklahoma, Clayton Lockett, a convicted killer, was given a lethal injection that didn't work as intended - it took him 43 minutes to die, as he was writhing on the gurney.  There were complaints of cruel and unusual punishment - for a convicted killer.  Three inmates claimed that lethal injection breaches the Constitution's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.  The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on this and voted 5-4 that it was not cruel and unusual punishment and in favor of lethal injections; however, four members of the court felt it was cruel and unusual.  With that in mind, why should anyone, especially infants who have committed no crime (I'm sure they didn't go out and commit murder or mayhem), be forced to get a vaccine that may kill them, or permanently disable them.  Not only might it kill them, but many times, they have the same seizures (like the convicted killers), elevated temperature, pain and suffering, for a lot more than the 43 minutes the convicted killers did before they died.  That something like this would be legally available is bad enough.  But California just passed a law mandating this - that's quite unbelievable.  That's saying it nicely.

Between the vaccines, drugs, insecticides, herbicides like glyphosate, GMO's, fluoride, and all the other toxins surrounding us, and a poor diet, it amazes me we aren't sicker than we are (or maybe we are) - didn't know where to put this, but thought it needed to be here.

Now, if they came out with vaccines that actually did what they are supposed to do - give permanent immunity for specific diseases and that had no side effects, they wouldn't have to think about making them mandatory.  I'm sure people would be lining up for those.  But, of course, without any liability for the drug companies for vaccines, they'll never come out with those vaccines.  Not to mention the billions of dollars they currently make from the defective vaccines - why would they do anything different?  Besides the drug companies profiting, doctors get a steady stream of vaccine injured patients.  So the drug companies are making their billions, the medical profession is making their billions, the government is making their billions, and the children are what, collateral damage?  Something tells me it's time for every parent to wake-up and start researching vaccines from non-drug websites and learning the truth.  I've supplied a lot of links in my last post, and in previous posts to get you started.  Please do this before something happens to your child.

If children are our future.....what kind of future are we making?

Some odds and ends:  Since 1989. according to VAERS, there have been over 64,000 serious adverse reactions to vaccines, and 5,736 deaths.  The estimates given from several sources are that 6-10% are actually reported to VAERS.  But let's say it's 20% to give some room for possible overstatement.  That would mean the real numbers are at least 320,000 serious adverse reactions, and 28,680 deaths since 1989 (but could very well be 2 - 2/12 times that amount) - or about 3 deaths every day of every year, and over one every hour every day of every year for serious adverse reactions.  As they add more and more vaccines to the schedule, do you think these numbers might increase?  I'm pretty sure they will.

Keeping the above in mind, how many of you heard about the latest movie theater shooting?  It's been all over the news, on FB, etc., and is a tragedy - 2 killed (plus the gunman) and 9 injured.  How many hear about 3 children dying every day of every year from vaccines, plus about 30 serious injuries a day, in the news?  And in some states they have made vaccines mandatory.  In other states, they are trying to do this?  Yes.

Vaccine Information Video Link

I think I've said all that needs to be said on this topic, at least for now.  Anything else I'll be sharing on FB.  It is my hope that you'll think before you act regarding vaccines, and that the mandatory vaccine laws will be reversed, so you can decide which ones you want or need, if any.  Here's to a healthy life for you and your children.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lies, Damned Lies....and Vaccines, the Media, Drug Companies and YOUR Health and Freedom

Summary of Points in this Post (and in the Links):
1.  Vaccines have had NO long term studies, or for that matter, almost no studies.
2.  The Media and Pharmaceutical Companies lie, mislead, and more - not for your health, but to make Billions of Dollars.
3.  The adjuvants in the vaccines have been implicated in brain damage, autism, auti-immune diseases, cancer, and more; there are many studies showing this.
4.  The drug companies have no liability relating to vaccine damage to you.
5.  The difference between "scientific studies" and anecdotal evidence, and why you need both these days.
6.  The Ethics of Vaccinations and why it goes against the Nuremberg Code and the Belmont Report (from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).
7.  A little of my past history relating to disease and vaccines.
8.  Charts to make some points outlined here.

This post is really about YOUR Health and Freedom.  And Ethics.  And pro choice.  And getting educated about your health and vaccines.  If vaccines can be forced on you (or your child) that can cause death or permanently injury, what else might they force on you?  Perhaps make it illegal for anyone with any disease (HIV, Hepatitis B or C, etc.) to leave their home?  The below links will give you some background in medical experimentation and the ethics involved.  Other links will discuss what happens in the drug approval process, about the ingredients in vaccines, what they do, and more.  If you value your health, you will bookmark this page, and check out each link, which will also verify what I've written.

But first, a little about my past.  Growing up, I had measles, chicken pox, mumps, and don't know what all else.  The flu, of course, and colds, bronchitis, etc.  Thankfully, most vaccines weren't yet around.  But in the Air Force, in basic training, everyone had to get the flu vaccine.  I was sick the next three days - some will say I would have been sick anyway, even if I didn't get the shot.  I believe it was the shot.  How about long term effects of immunization?  They've never been studied, but I now have a tremor in my hands.  Perhaps the flu shot is a contributing factor - I'll probably never know, but from all that I've read about the ingredients list and what they can do, it certainly seems possible.  And there are the auto-immune diseases (arthritis, heart disease, cancer, etc.).  Some doctors and scientists are connecting the increase in these later in life to vaccinations.

I found this really interesting (I had been a math major) - you have a greater chance of being killed driving to the clinic for a vaccination than you do of dying from the disease you would be getting vaccinated for!  Here's the link that crunches the numbers.   Over 1,000 people die each year from drowning (pools, boating, and beach, not to mention more deaths from accidents driving to and from those loactions) - should those be made illegal (beaches, pools, boating)?  No worries about that happening, there's no money to be made from that.

About the greater good argument - if we use that argument, vaccines should be outlawed, because from what I've read, in the U.S. the vaccines are killing and injuring more people than the diseases they are meant to prevent (but aren't preventing).  Smoking and drinking should also be outlawed, as drunk drivers kill thousands of people, and second hand smoke does, too.  What do all three have in common?  They are "Money Machines," making those companies billions of dollars.  Follow the money, always follow the money (including payoffs, and lobbying by those companies).  According to the CIA, there are 54 countries with lower infant mortality than the U.S., and we're in last place for wealthy nations:

If immunizations are so great, why this statistic?  The two states with the worst rates have mandatory vaccination - wonder if CA will now catch up with them?

Here is a chart from a German study comparing vaccinated children to unvaccinated children for the following problems (if too small, click on charts to see larger):

This link Mirrors my feelings about Freedom and Vaccination.

The Belmont Report from the Dept of Health and Human Services - About ethics.

Claremont Graduate University - History of Ethics

World Health Organization Bulletin - Nurenberg

The Nurenberg Code, Trial, and Sentences of Those Accused - And now California's SB277 will be doing some of what they did back then, unless a ballot measure repeals the new law - Ballot Measure Info.  Remember, the ballot measure is about Freedom of Choice, not pro or anti vaccination.

Global Vaccine Institute - Some personal stories about results from multiple vaccines given at one time.

Vaccines and Autism - No connection?  Then why did the vaccine court award millions of dollars to two families?  And why has autism popped up immediately after vaccinations for many children who were fine prior to vaccination?  Why has autism gone from 1 in 10,000 a few years ago, to 1 in 50 today?  I personally believe it is a combination of causes, including vaccines, glyphosate, and other environmental toxins, all together overwhelming our systems, although perhaps any of these things by themselves might be causing it.

Medical Research Involving Human Participants - For further volumes on this subject, you can go here:  U.S. Bioethics Commissions Archival Collection

List of Vaccine Ingredients and Problems they Cause - Most complete list I've found of ingredients and what they can do or cause.  Some of these ingredients are listed as experimental.  Therefore, if you get that vaccine, you are being medically experimented upon, and you should have informed consent and the choice of whether you want that vaccine.

Former FDA Reviewer Speaks Out - What happens during the drug (which includes vaccines) approval process?  Go to this link to find out.

Possible Vaccination Complications - Great reference.

I think I posted this link before, but here it is again - very worth reading:  Lies, Damned Lies.  As I've been writing this post, I keep coming across more information about the lies and the dangers of vaccines.  I've added some of these below.

What's the big lie about vaccines?  We're told they are extremely safe (in the media, by the drug companies, by the government).  Except when these companies want freedom from liability.  In order to get that ruling for vaccines, vaccines were labeled as "unavoidably unsafe" by the U.S. Supreme Court.  And when the vaccine kills more people in the U.S. than the disease it is being given for (plus a lot more life long injuries), as with the measles vaccine, how is that considered safe?  But what do we hear from the media?  Some child died from, say measles, because of the anti-vaxxers (playing the fear and blame card).  They don't report that 90+ children died during the same time period as a result of the vaccine.  Nor do they report the life long permanent injuries caused by the vaccine, only if one child was injured by measles.  Go to the CDC and VAERS websites for confirmation of these numbers.

I have read, too, that only about 10% (or less) of vaccine related deaths and injuries actually get reported.  Here is a recent example of a sudden death of an infant the night after receiving scheduled vaccinations.  The death was listed on the autopsy as "undetermined."  Here is the story.

About Gardasil:  Everything you ever wanted to know about Gardasil.  Please read before getting this one.

What about the flu vaccine?  You can research its safety, but here is a link to get you started:  Flu Vaccine.  BTW - I received a mandatory flu shot while in basic training in the Air Force, and was sick for the following three days (they tell us the vaccine isn't the cause, it's just a coincidence).  I never got another one.  I no longer get the flu since changing my diet, the supplements I take, and getting exercise.  The flu shot, along with all vaccines, are shielded from liability to the drug companies, because....THEY ARE "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE!"

Drug Company Summary:  Vaccines are safe, unless we want to avoid liability, then they suddenly become unsafe, so we need to be shielded from lawsuits,

Another lie - vaccines got rid of all those horrible diseases.  The truth:  Most of those diseases in the U.S. were gone before vaccines were here (about a 98% reduction before vaccines).

Just found this, backing up the above statements, from an immunologist:  Vaccine Truths.  Notice that she doesn't say to avoid vaccines, only that you should be able to make your own choice as to which, if any, you might get, which are my thoughts, too.

If they lie about safety, do you think it might be possible they lie about their intended results?  How about when these companies will make billions of dollars from making them mandatory?  And when they pay additional billions of dollars to the media - might that possibly influence what the media reports?

There are reports that some of the vaccines (like whooping cough, or OPV in other countries) may actually be causing outbreaks of the disease - of course, this will be denied by the drug companies and media - but now we know they lie.  They are currently advertising the whooping cough vaccine on TV during the evening news.

Considering the above, do you think vaccines should be mandatory?  What should you do?  Who should you believe?  I can't tell you - you must do your research and make your decision.  But don't listen to the fear tactics that your child will kill someone without a vaccination (see vaccine truths link above), because with a vaccination, your child might become the statistic, or might actually spread the disease.  What else should you do?  Feed your children (and yourself!) real healthy organic food (without chemicals, without sugar, without artificial ingredients, without trans-fats, without GMOs, without beef and chicken that has been fed antibiotics, GMOs, and growth hormone, etc.) - you know, that healthy stuff that actually grows out of the ground.

A word about anecdotal evidence vs "scientific studies":  In a perfect world, both would be excellent ways to learn about health, or anything else for that matter.  If you've clicked on the first link at the beginning of this post, you now know that is not the case.  So called Scientific Studies can show whatever the person doing the study or whoever is paying for the study wants to show.  Most are worthless, wrong, misleading, and because of that, dangerous.

Anecdotal evidence can do the same, so try to get that info from those you know, trust, or who has an excellent reputation.  And those who are not paid for by the drug companies or are making a profit from what they tell you.  I was lucky - I owned a health food vitamin and supplement store for 8 years, and worked in other ones for another 10 years, talked with thousands of people about their health as related to supplements and diet, and found what worked the best (the best feedback).  In addition, I've studied diet, vitamins and supplements for another 20 years.  And through trial and error (well, there really was no error to speak of) and experimentation, found what combination of nutrients worked best for me.  How do I know?  I stopped getting colds, flu, and many other health problems I had had disappeared.  I didn't need nor use vaccines to get these benefits.  From what I've researched, they may not give you these benefits.  And the side effects - you can visit my FB page for links relating to that.

Knowing the dangers and benefits (at least as far as you can find them), you can make an informed decision on what you feel is right for you.

I've saved this statement for last because it may sound a bit radical:  I can't believe that in the U.S. that they would mandate medical experimentation, without informed consent, in the form of vaccinations on its citizens, much like the Nazi's did in WWII.  I thought that after that happened, the mantra was "NEVER AGAIN."  And yet, here we are in this country allowing it to happen.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Photography Equipment - Buying Digital Cameras and Lenses

This post is related to only camera bodies and lenses.  And the costs involved in your choice.  It will only cover some very basic things, as to cover everything would require at least a book on the subject.

The first thing to consider is what you'll be using the camera for - portraits, landscapes, sports, etc.  And how the images will be used - photo book, small prints, very large prints, wall portraits, etc.  Because you never know how large you might want a print to be, and because of advances in camera technology, I would get no less than a 12 megapixel camera, or larger if you can afford it.  Once you have a few cameras picked out, run a Google search to compare them (for example, put in the search box  "Nikon D610 vs Canon 5D Mk III" if those are your choices).  Check things like ISO for photo quality, shutter speeds, perhaps what lenses might be available for the camera, the cost of the camera and the lenses, how many focus points the camera has, what kind of metering, etc.).  Is it weather sealed?  Have there been any problems reported for the camera?  Some cameras are rated for 100,000 actuations, some 150,000, and some for 200,000 before the shutter has to be replaced.

I almost forgot - camera bodies come with either full frame sensors or cropped frame sensors.  With full frame sensors, the focal length of your lens will be what the lens says it is.  But with a cropped frame sensor, depending on the camera, you will need to multiply your lens focal length by probably 1.5 or 1.6, so, for example, a 50mm lens will become at 75mm or 80mm lens.

With lenses, some of the same questions apply - what will you be photographing?  Should you buy the most expensive lenses?  Also, zoom or fixed focal length, and what focal length to start with?  What price range?  If a zoom, look at whether it has vibration reduction (VR), which may be called different things by different companies.  If you're doing portraits, you would need to consider how much space you'll have to shoot in.  You'll also want the largest f-stop you can afford.  Keep in mind that 3rd party lenses can sometimes save you money. Some may be better than the camera's own brand, which may cost you a lot more.  For example, a Nikon 50mm f1.8 can be bought for around $120 - $200, while a Sigma 50mm 1.4 Art Lens costs $789 - $949.  If you're shooting portraits, you may not need a super sharp lens if you prefer a slightly softer look in your portraits.

You may see some cameras and lenses referred to as professional, prosumer, starter, or some other designation.  Depending on what you are going to photograph, a prosumer camera may be fine, even for professional results.  However, if you plan to shoot weddings, and you're new and want to shoot for someone else as a second shooter, you will most likely need a professional camera with a full frame sensor.  Most photographers will require that, although in my opinion, a cropped frame sensor would do an excellent job, as long as it can shoot in low light and maintain good quality.

Once you've picked out a camera that you think you want, put the name of the camera with the word "review" after it in Google, and go to the listing for dpreview where you can find everything about the camera.  You may also want to go to KenRockwell's review.

One option before you buy is to rent the camera and lens combination that you are interested in and try it out.

This sort of just scratched the surface, but will hopefully help you start your search.  Now for two sample photos, one shot with a Canon EOS 10D (6mp) and one with a Panasonic FZ30 (8mp) with non interchangeable fixed zoom lens - I had a 24x30 print made from each - both came out very clear and sharp.  These have been reduced in size for display here.  Both cameras have since had several upgrades, that probably cost less, too, than the originals.

Which was shot with which camera?

What current camera do I recommend?  Here is a comparison of two cameras, and I agree with their choice:  Nikon D610 vs Canon 5D MKIII - even better, if you can afford it is the Nikon D750 and Nikon D810 (Nikon D750 vs D810) - a toss-up.  Again, I agree.  I would go with the Nikon D750 if you can could afford it, and if not, then the D610.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

July 4th - Independence Day.....The Declaration of Independence....and Vaccines

The first sentence to the preamble of the Declaration of Independence states:  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

In California (and a few other states) they have taken away these rights in regards to vaccines (unless you home school, which most people can't do).  There goes our unalienable right to liberty to choose what is best for our children.  The measles vaccine has killed at least 94 people in the past 10 years, but from what I've researched, this amount is more likely 10% of the real number who have been killed by the vaccine.  There goes the unalienable right to life.  What about the pursuit if happiness?  If your child has been killed or injured (hundreds to thousands in the last 10 years have from vaccines) - there goes our inalienable happiness.  BTW - what happens when they add another 50 or 100 vaccines to the list?

You might say this is being done for the greater good.  Only one problem - no one has died from measles in the U.S. in the last 10 years.  The only greater good is for the ones who make the vaccines.  If you choose to believe them, and your doctors, keep this in mind:  "The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year."  Here is a link with the breakdown of that number, plus the costs:  Death by Medicine

As far as the media goes - the drug companies pay billions of dollars in advertising to them - they are not going to report that this or that drug or vaccine harms people; that would be biting the hand that feeds them.  How many times has anyone heard that the measles vaccine killed 94 - perhaps as high as 1,000 people in the last 10 years?  Or even one person?  What do you hear?  That the mercury, MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum, or other viruses and/or contaminants do no harm, the amount is too low, you're exposed to these things in your diet (you don't inject your diet, so it's not the same), etc.  And these stories all originating from the companies that are responsible for at last 783,936 deaths per year.  Do you really want to believe them?

If you do, that's fine with me - get your vaccines.  But don't force it on those who did their research, who are informed, and who do not under any circumstances want it.  I'm for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...and Freedom to Choose, especially those things that may affect the rest of our lives, or that may shorten our lives drastically.

I've studied Mother Nature's nutrients, diet, and exercise and it has worked wonders for me, and I trust it a lot more than I trust medicine. At least I still have the freedom to choose.  With the latest bill to pass in California, we seem to be losing our freedoms.

More info (which vaccines, time table, etc) on the new California vaccine law:  Here

P.S.  I almost forgot this:  American Medical Association's own Code of Medical Ethics says that patients, not government, should have the final say on medical interventions.  This is similar to the Nuremberg Code, mentioned in a previous post.

P.P.S. - Just read that Erin Brokovich, who is pro-vaccine, is against the new California mandatory vaccine law.